Penn State 90, Illinois 89 Postgame

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Anyone that thinks we will make it to the Round of 16 is delusional. We just gifted Penn State that game on a silver platter. We should fall to a 5 or 6 seed after this.
the honeymooners ralph kramden GIF
This game was lost on the plane ride home from MD. Hope the team learns from it.
I don't think they're going to learn from it. How many times does this have to happen so the "team learns from it." It ain't happening. They are who they are, and I hate to say it: the Iowa Hawkeyes! Scoring? Yes! Defense? NO! Faltering at the end of games (coach and team)? A resounding YES!
This is the softest most listless Illinois team I can remember.

Who cares how good you are on offense if you can't stop the other team from scoring?

Who cares how good you are on offense when you absolutely crumble under the pressure in the last 3 minutes of games?

Who cares how good you are on offense when you can't even execute the basic fundamentals of inbounding the ball?

This is inexcusable.

"It'S thE B1G. EveRyoNe sTrUgGleS oN tHe rOad."

You forgot SpongeBob:

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I have a lot to say about this game and toms of hypotheticals that have us win the game…..but it’s really just the defense. Gotta do something about the defense. A zone isn’t the answer, I’m not sure why we pressure the ball 5 ft past the 3 pt line. I’m very pro packed line type of defense, but I’m not a coach.

But for the love of god, someone on the staff needs to fix the god dang defense
Rob Lowe Football GIF by SoFi
I understand this assistant coach might not be the doing the best job right now, but this isn’t the first game our defense was atrocious. You are trying to tell me no other coach is taking any responsibility in handling our defensive game plans besides one young assistant coach? And if that isn’t the case, that’s on Brad for not doing exactly that.
Had to do about 6 things in the last minute plus to lose that game and we did all 6.

Goode takes a transition 3. If we burn 10 more seconds of clock Penn State literally has no time to get fouled shooting a 3.

Leave the ball in transition and give up and open 3.

Try to dribble through 2 defenders and get stripped (maybe contact but a ref isn’t going to bail you out in that situation).

Miss 2 free throws. Still up 2.

Foul a 3 point shooter.

I guess I only listed 5 but I’m sure there’s one more in there. Wow, just wow.

And I also think I’m emotionally checked out. Thought we had the talent to be final 4 good but have felt very paper tigery for about 6 weeks. We are who we are and I don’t think we make the second weekend. Some mid major who can cut and shoot is going to tear us apart.

Burn all your timeouts not being able to inbound the ball (6)
I also just noticed on the last inbounds that Shannon broke free just as the pass went to Harmon and then was trailing behind him with no defender. So we had 2 opportunities to get the ball to him with a full head of steam downhill.
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