North Carolina 48, Illinois 23 POSTGAME

The most undisciplined Illini team I've seen. Saying something coming off a few Zook teams and another coach in Beckman who'd seemingly rack up 2 penalties a game himself.
Did the refs come from the ACC or the Mafia. I swear I heard one of them call a penalty over the P.A. system : " Deez guys from IlliNOISE are penalized 15 yahds for pistol whipping a made man. "

6 fumbles, dropped passes, 13 penalties and still had a chance to make I it a game. Gotta clean up the mistakes before WMU and get a non - Mafia officiating crew.
Officiating comments likely have little to do with what was called on Illinois, and more to do with what they didn't call on UNC. They were terrible. It wouldn't change the outcome of the game. UNC had superior speed.


There were several holding penalties committed on the edge and one blatant one as Defender was about to sack QB which led to big play with guy standing wide open on sideline.

As you said though they were better and much faster
I don't think the punting was a problem. Remember we were trying to keep the ball away from one of the greatest punt returners in NCAA history.

Leman had a good quote about it, something along the lines of when it's drilled into your head to try to kick away from someone, you're more likely to see shanks.

Reisner had 2-3 shanks and UNC had great field position. Possibly Frain would have done better, who knows.
So,first game score equals last year's first game score.
Second game points given up equals last year's second game points given up, on the road no less.
So, new coaching staff impact?
You tell me.

Up until about 8 minutes left in the 4th quarter it was still a game. Relax. And that was with the combination of dropped passes, penalties, and defensive lapses. One game at a time. We can all reassess the coaching at the end of the season. Reminder to everyone that this is still only game 2 of the Lovie Smith era with none of "his" players.
I once saw an expert technical presentation that started off very well then after a short break it seemed as if the presenter didn't have a firm grasp on the information he was presenting! During the break his wife had called and gotten him worried that there might be an active gas leak at his home. That mental distraction turned him from fantastic to inferior in an instant.

The Illini looked super crisp in their first game and that continued against North Carolina with the score 14 - 7 and everyone feeling great. Then the "phone call", came in (Wes fumbled). Just like the presenter above, our team never looked the same. They all started playing tight and distracted.

That's why I say nothing needs to change, we are already there and the only way a coach can teach about mental collapse during a big game is by having his players live through one. Now that it's fresh this moment shouldn't be wasted.

1. Lovie needs to get and show the team a full version of the 2009 Wild Card game between Arizona and Green Bay because it fits the dynamic of our team right now. The Cardinals barely made the post season and were getting the same kind of noise the Illini are getting here on this forum. The coaches told the players to block it out, they are the experts that play the game not the nitwits trying to bring them down. This is the best example of a performance by two teams that never down shift from a mental perspective. Arizona wins and they go on to the Super Bowl.

2. No trash talking on offense or defense. Play related communication only. Being ignored is one of the most cruel punishments and it will freak out your opponent and help you stay focused. Imagine the man accross from you ranting like a lunatic and all he's getting back is a death stare. It will also blows away the refs making them them want you to get the calls as they will not believe what they are witnessing.

3. Visualize how you felt when you were playing loose, kicking !!! and taking names. If something bad happens get back to that place in your mind. Two years ago Cardale Jones looked like he was playing with a giant foam finger on his throwing hand at times, but he put it out of his mind fast.

4. Don't try to solve problems that don't exist. Block out all of the noise, laugh when you read negative BS. Old Illini teams never showed us that crispness you already have. Old Illini teams never had the coaches that you do. Be thankful that you got this lesson now instead of in a Bowl Game.

Go Illini!
Ridiculous. Stop w/the ludicrous posts.

While he may be embellishing a bit, the guys in the booth even had a laugh and joked that you could tell he wasn't from the Midwest when he said "IlliNOISE".
1. Lovie needs to get and show the team a full version of the 2009 Wild Card game between Arizona and Green Bay because it fits the dynamic of our team right now. The Cardinals barely made the post season and were getting the same kind of noise the Illini are getting here on this forum. The coaches told the players to block it out, they are the experts that play the game not the nitwits trying to bring them down. This is the best example of a performance by two teams that never down shift from a mental perspective. Arizona wins and they go on to the Super Bowl.

2. No trash talking on offense or defense. Play related communication only. Being ignored is one of the most cruel punishments and it will freak out your opponent and help you stay focused. Imagine the man accross from you ranting like a lunatic and all he's getting back is a death stare. It will also blows away the refs making them them want you to get the calls as they will not believe what they are witnessing.

3. Visualize how you felt when you were playing loose, kicking !!! and taking names. If something bad happens get back to that place in your mind. Two years ago Cardale Jones looked like he was playing with a giant foam finger on his throwing hand at times, but he put it out of his mind fast.

4. Don't try to solve problems that don't exist. Block out all of the noise, laugh when you read negative BS. Old Illini teams never showed us that crispness you already have. Old Illini teams never had the coaches that you do. Be thankful that you got this lesson now instead of in a Bowl Game.

Go Illini!

Great post re: the suggestions.

Lovie was his typical calm self after the game.

I am hoping that he and this staff will be able to provide the leadership and accountability to the players that has been lacking at Illinois for so long so they can grow up as players and men.

They need to know some of the crap that went on is unacceptable and they need to man up and make some changes. It's a lot easier to do when you have a roster of capable players, but I think this staff hopefully can get these guys out of their own way so they can have a shot at winning some games.

I'm more optimistic now that this can happen... we'll find out!
Not overly impressed with McGee right now.

Disagree. With no talent to make plays downfield, McGee nearly got us within one score with 12 minutes left in the 4th when Lunt threw a perfect deep ball right on Sam Mays hands at the one yard line (which he dropped, of course). Not to mention, even with a stacked LOS, we still got consistent rushing production from Vaughn and Foster. Look, we would have lost no matter what, but McGee did as much as he could with this roster IMO. To put it another way, what do you think the scoreboard would have looked like with Ryan Cubit running the offense?
The thing that annoyed me the most was that Vaughn didn't even sit one possession after his idiotic unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. For a team that was consistently showing a lack of discipline, that was a missed opportunity to show a player playing time is not a given.
I feel like a lot of these responses would be different if UNC had a #15 by their name as they likely will by the end of the season. This team competed with a legit ACC title contender for 3 and a half quarters while simultaneously shooting itself in the foot a dozen times. I still see 7 or 8 wins for this squad.
I don't think the punting was a problem. Remember we were trying to keep the ball away from one of the greatest punt returners in NCAA history.

I didn't like the coverage (both on punts and kickoffs). People weren't staying in their lanes. Which is frustrating, because they did a great job of that in week 1 and that isn't really something that the level of competition should effect too much.
No problems with the refs - Illinois deserved all the penalties - coaching needs to clean up the play calling and discipline of the team.

I watched on TV (4,000 miles away and couldn't come to the game), but a replay on BTN will clearly show at least 4 situations of holding on UNC that didn't get called - and would have killed their drive.... Although it probably wouldn't have mattered. We got beat by ourselves, and by a marginally better team....
We shot ourselves in the foot, and played about as poorly as I think we could play . Yet with 14:55 to go in the game, it was a one score contest. Yes , UNC is bigger and faster and arguably the third best team in the ACC behind Clemson and FSU.

All of these mistakes are correctable. And I am confident Lovie and staff will coach to correct it . The glass is more than half full, and we can only get better from here
We shot ourselves in the foot, and played about as poorly as I think we could play . Yet with 14:55 to go in the game, it was a one score contest.

This is the best takeaway for Illini fans. The game ended terribly, but we were in it for a long time even after playing poorly in many aspects. Things are getting better, but it won't be a step function. More like a sawtooth with a low positive average slope. :)

With Beckman I had ZERO confidence. Guy was a blasted buffoon. Regardless of this outcome, it feels really good to have some confidence in our direction again.
yeah let's not jump off the edge. We got beat by the better team. Going to take time to get to a place where we can win these.

My sense of it. North Carolina is a quality opponent. Thought we had a lot of issues on both sides of the ball. Lunt may not have been playing well, but his receivers didn't help him. And defensively, 48 points is hard to overcome. Would have been great to win this one, but that's a pretty solid opponent IMO.
Can anyone explain why there were ACC officials at the game? Is this SOP? Did we have B1G officials there last year?
Well, I'd like to join the chorus lambasting Lunt, but Gene Chizik is a really top-notch defensive coordinator. Lunt's "deer in the headlights" look may have been the result of Chizik changing things up a bit, giving Lunt problems trying to run the offense.

So, on to Western Michigan. Let's see how Lunt and the team respond.
Well, I'd like to join the chorus lambasting Lunt, but Gene Chizik is a really top-notch defensive coordinator. Lunt's "deer in the headlights" look may have been the result of Chizik changing things up a bit, giving Lunt problems trying to run the offense.

So, on to Western Michigan. Let's see how Lunt and the team respond.

I did notice multiple times were UNC waited until right at the snap and then shifted their defensive front. Definitely caused problems on the plays they did it. Makes it really hard for the oline and QB to make reads.
This was a frustrating game due to all the penalties and opportunities that we had to stay in the game. I left the game still not feeling terrible and am upbeat about the direction of the program. It was a great atmosphere so I still enjoyed myself.

In terms of the game itself. said, was terrible. Even with some dropped passes, he was so off on his throws. Many times on easy crossing passes he threw well behind the receiver. One particular play I was actually focused on our receiver (don't remember who). It was one of the few long passes we attempted. He got by the initial defender (I believe zone) and was wide open from 10-30 yards downfield. No coverage at all for twenty yards. All Lunt had to do was get rid of the ball sooner and it would have been a big play with one player to beat for a TD. The replay showed he was looking there, but waited way too long to get rid of the ball, and then lofts it up into the air so that the safety had time to knock it down. Brutal.

Penalties were frustrating....our own mistakes and the lack of holding calls on UNC. As someone else posted here, there were a bunch on the edge that were not called.
I thought the fans were awesome at the game and for the first time in a while gave the opposing offense some trouble at times getting plays off due to noise. Having said that it was extremely disappointing seeing the lack of discipline on this team with the penalties and poor execution. I continue to be disappointed in Lunt. He is not a program changing talent and doesn't appear to be much of a leader on the field. Perhaps as fans we were too optimistic about what he would bring when he transferred in. With the quickness of today's athletes, if your quarterback can't make any plays with his feet it's almost like you are playing offense with one arm tied behind your back. Lunt is noticeably slower than 300 pound lineman chasing him. On defense, I love our line and Nickerson but the rest of the lb's and the secondary look pretty fragile.
Great Night - Poor Result

It was fun to be in the stadium again, the place was rocking and the atmosphere felt like it did years ago. I agree with all that has been said, but want to add that our O Line is really weak. Lunt was rushed often (not that I am sure it would help) but the big ugly's have got to get bigger and better so we can run and pass at will. Also a better line will give our defense more rest and make them even better.

One more point, I doubt we see that many penalties again this year or Lovie may have a stroke, he did not sound happy after the game.

Looking forward to the rest of the season, which is more than I have said for the last few years.
I agree, I thought Lovie would be tougher.....

Unfortunately, you can't erase the years of Beckman culture from the team so quickly. Going from a heavily scripted and forced-punctuality environment enforced by the coaches and schedules, to Lovie's more professional, self-reliant approach is going to take time.

One of those things that in two years will be natural for everyone, but for now it is a culture shock. We're seeing the penalties come from guys used to having it drilled constantly by coaches and now they are being held accountable for find discipline themselves. One of those "teach a man to fish..." moments, where hopefully it makes us a better team in the long run