NCAA allows on-field corporate sponsorships

If schools can pay players, more revenue needs to be generated. Do we wanna be good or not?
I’m not sure. Eventually it’s only an illusion designed to resemble what we once knew as college football. When it becomes just a pro team playing in a (named) college stadium, the only difference between college and NFL is an age/eligibility restriction, right? At that point, will some fans shift their attention to the NFL rather than the lowly farm teams? Or to other college sports? My wife is watching Oklahoma softball as I write this. She tells me college likely wasn’t an option for her w/o athletic scholarships. Real student athletes still exist in some sports.
If it means beating Michigan in football, let'em wear whatever they want - including a German WWI helmet with spike on top.
And lest we all forget, there's 3 B1G football stadiums (Maryland, Minnesota, and Rutgers) that are currently having naming rights on their football stadiums.
I don't really care about naming facilities. It really is just another facet of putting a large donor's name on it as has been done for years. The line I feel needs to be maintained, and was crossed with the SFC, is that the original name needs to be maintained. Should have been "State Farm Assembly Hall" or "xxxx Memorial Stadium". Don't completely get rid of the original name!
Will someone please tell NCAA leaders and athletic departments across the country that the Golden Goose is just about worn out?
I don't really care about naming facilities. It really is just another facet of putting a large donor's name on it as has been done for years. The line I feel needs to be maintained, and was crossed with the SFC, is that the original name needs to be maintained. Should have been "State Farm Assembly Hall" or "xxxx Memorial Stadium". Don't completely get rid of the original name!

Would you have preferred Simon Skojdt Assembly Hall like they have in Bloomington?
I think corporations will sponsor/co-own teams eventually.
No one is willing to admit, because it will impact the immediate short term $$$, that this is just a step towards the MLS-ification of college sports (or whatever unprofitable generic sports league failure you choose).... And that is the HIGH END of where this will end up. It's sad, it's crazy, it's a foregone conclusion. New fans are not coming in, and this will KILL whatever support is left from the legacy/old school fans...... I honestly expect to be a non-NCAA sports fan in the next 5 years if things continue along this current trajectory.
I think we can sell ever 5 yards.

"Illini take over from the Ameren IP 25 yard line...."
The Colt 45 Midfield...your play call works every time

How can we Man City college football and get this to lead to Khan donating even more money through his company's books.. or I think Oracle would look great on the field as a separate option
I can picture Brian Barnhart with a Rolodex of sponsorship cards he has to read after every other play.
Yes! And can you imagine a long touchdown call?

He's to the Chief Takomasak* 35... cuts inside to the Casey's 40....


* Freshman year I encountered Steak n Shake for the first time and I thought that was the Chief's new name.
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Yes! And can you imagine a long touchdown call?

He's to the Chief Takomasak* 35... cuts inside to the Casey's 40....


* Freshman year I encountered Steak n Shake for the first time and I thought that was the Chief's new name.
kinda sadly, a bunch of them closed in the Chicago area the past 2-3 years

Steak n Shake - home of the shoestring french fries .
originated in Bloomington IL area if I remember correctly