Nancy Fahey hired as Women's Basketball Coach

Great hire. Not that I know much about women's basketball, but would think she'll be able to compete for conference championships.
Not a big fan of woman's bb but I'm tired of sucking across the board. Can we at least field a woman's team comparable to Depaul?
I think the biggest thing Nancy will bring to Illinois is stability. The program has been in turmoil for a decade. Things seemed calm this past year, hopefully she can build on it and take it to greater places.
I really like what she had to say, especially around allowing her to Love both universities. She has a very genuine and authentic personality. She's not as polished as other coaches might have been, but then again, you get to really see who she is in her answers. I know it's a jump from D3 to D1. A good portion of her job remains somewhat the same. She is a coach, she needs to teach, she needs to lead a team. Dynamics of course change, but at the end of the day, I think she is walking in with much more than we give her credit for! Looking forward to seeing what she can pull together!
Like many others, I know nada about IL women's basketball... but I'd like to.

Building a winning program will help that. Another unexpected "out of the box" hire by Whitman. Gotta love it. Like her attitude.
I see the women just signed a big from Greece. Looks pretty good.