Illinois-Ohio State Game Canceled

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It was without question a fumble. As Dufrene slid out of bounds at the one yard line the loose ball appeared to hit him in the elbow. The question is if the ball hits a player who is out of bounds is it a dead ball at that point? It was discussed but I do not remember if the exact rule was ever indicated. Just curious if anyone here knows? I certainly told my Ohio St friends who complained it was not called a fumble it should have been a dead ball anyway. Not sure if that is actually true but it stopped their complaining.
I misread, but I watched it again today and I never saw the ball go OOB.
Ohio State-Illinois game in jeopardy
I wouldn't complain if this game gets cancelled. I would rather have a bye week heading into the iowa game instead of getting bent over a barrel for 4 quarters. Then again I like football so I won't complain either way.
To your point (albeit 13 years ago now), I was just glancing at the highlights from the Juice Williams upset at OSU in 2007. While our best recollection is probably of that final drive during which Juice kept rushing for first downs, he actually threw 4 TD passes accounting for all of our 28 points.
I remember Juice on the last possession, ,just plowing into the line and picking up first down after first down until it ended. He was awesome. Would love for Peters to do the same.
Covid cases? I don't think so. They saw what we did to Nebraska and don't want to play us.
Yeah, what gives? We played games without players due to COVID-19 and contact tracing. Suck it up and play the game, OSU.
Aren't these the guys who said "to hell with it - we need to play the season!" As long as they can field a team of covid-free and non quarantined - lace em up boys. Now is no time to chicken out just cause you don't have your top players.
Aren't these the guys who said "to hell with it - we need to play the season!" As long as they can field a team of covid-free and non quarantined - lace em up boys. Now is no time to chicken out just cause you don't have your top players.
Much more to lose for OSU from playing the game than what they could gain.
If cases are contained to the top 4 QB, maybe Illinois still wants to play the game /s
Hopefully enough time before game to quarantine, contact trace, test before playing game. Wonder how much flexibility they have to move move it to sat night or Sunday.
Turns out the Buckeyes weren't scared of the Fighting Matt Robinson's. They should be lol, Illini by 50
Apologies -- major sarcasm on my part. After 5 years of doing the same thing, I do believe Lovie was due for some reciprocity.

I still think, given Lovie's temperament, that he doesn't care either way. It's just how the game is played in his mind.

Also, let's be honest. I don't think the coaching staff at OSU is worried about having to play second or third string guys against us.
We beat OSU on BTN this morning. Thank you, Kurt Kittner.
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