Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I would rather have Dainja run the point.

Ever since he’s shown himself to be utterly uncoachable…no way. I would probably rather drink turpentine and pee on a brushfire.

And I was a big, big fan for a long time.
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I got 7 NL'S right now........why would I be jealous ??

View attachment 25893

Trust me when I say he's not jealous of anyone...........We make sure of that...........We really really do.....Every chance we get !!!!
This is probably the proof that Rudd uses for his flat earth theory... "you can see the edge right there! The water just falls off."
He's also probably been quoted saying "You round earthers know nothing and have no proof to back up your claims"
Looks like Paul Mulcahy of Rutgers and Malachai Smith (from Belleville, Illinois) of Gonzaga May still be available to recruit for point guard if they step away from the NBA draft.
Malachi Smith would be awesome. Was a 20PPG guy on 40% 3PT shooting at Chattanooga. May be unsatisfied with a more limited role at Gonzaga considering Gonzaga added Nembhard in the portal.

Malachi is from Belleville.
I think there's a decent chance Shannon and Hawkins comes back-and I think he was worried about being the 3rd or 4th option on a team instead of being the main guy. Again, it's likely a big mistake, but that was the thought process. We will find someone who will want that role pretty quickly and easily
Yeah, I will sign myself up for $300k in that role in a heartbeat.
Looks like Paul Mulcahy of Rutgers and Malachai Smith (from Belleville, Illinois) of Gonzaga May still be available to recruit for point guard if they step away from the NBA draft.
Either one would be great options.

Mulcahy is a punk..... But as long as he's a fully invested, go all out punk for the Illini, I'm good with it!!
That is the infamous Illini legends. His old IB handle escapes me at the moment.
Nope. It is Toll Both Willie, Truth, Dominic among other names he has used.

Legends is a different loser.
Well, based on the comment from CH and TS about next years team having players on it they will play for each other, this is probably turning out to be a blessing. Ray J seems to be in it for himself and that is fine. Not a knock, but probably wouldn’t be best for us.
This is just an incorrect take. If any NBA exec was telling him to not come to Illinois it is because they knew he would be the 3rd option at best.
Why does this matter? NBA scouts aren't stupid - if you are talented and are the third option on a team they will find you regardless. You would think being surrounded by better players would be a plus, not a minus.
The question is which of those were first round draft picks?

RayJ is not even projected to be drafted next year by any of the services that put out mock drafts (at least not that I can see/find). He will not sniff the 1st round unless something crazy happens anyway, so that's probably not the best way to look at this imo.
How many non-PG 6'2 players are in the NBA?
Never said he wouldn’t play PG in pros. I posted a rationale a page ago. I have no idea if it is a reason he might go to Utah. But it is plausible — at least more plausible I think than a GM told him he wouldn’t get the development at Illinois. I have a hard time believing a GM would say something that negatively direct about a team/coach.
Looks like Paul Mulcahy of Rutgers and Malachai Smith (from Belleville, Illinois) of Gonzaga May still be available to recruit for point guard if they step away from the NBA draft.
Mulcahy is a great all around player, great passer, and would have very very good size for the position. Also, a decent 3pt shooter on low volume.

I've always viewed Smith as more of a combo guard but he's not a bad passer and if he's capable of playing point he's just a straight up better player than RayJ. Also, has good size, might be the rebounding guard in the country, is excellent defensively, and is a 41% 3pt shooter for his career.

I would be very happy with either though I don't know if there is a real chance at either of them. Also I think Harmon is capable of handling PG duties at times, but nobody really brings him up here.
Maybe that’s the point. Feedback could have included they want to see him playing off the ball. That is much more likely to happen on a team with 2 other PG options than at Illinois.
Perhaps they told him he has no chance to be an NBA point guard? Maybe his only chance is as a three point specialist?
You could take this one of two ways.....

1. The feedback was that he wouldn't develop as well at Illinois, so best to look elsewhere. Very concerning if this is the case
2. His draft position is better if he is "the man" and not the second or third option. In which case giving up $250k in NIL this year is chump change.
Or 3. He is better off playing off the ball, with others handling the point.
Or 4. They told him DGL and Moretti are studs.
Or 5. Something else..
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