Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2017)

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The level of competition we faced on the court in 2004 is the same level of competition I am sensing right now in this battle. All signs seem to point to another easy win.

A 5* athlete from Chicago is not going to choose Wake Forest. (Just reading the tea leaves).

Well, we did see a 5* point guard from Chicago choose Memphis not that long ago, but we all know why that happened and I don't think Wake fans want to draw that comparison.
Ha! I just realized I inadvertently trolled Minnesota! :D
Can we (meaning us Illini fans) please stop being so defensive about the point in WF's favor about alums currently in the NBA? I mean, that is a matter of fact - Wrangor listed current alums in the NBA and forgot about BP3. I love Deron, et al., but bringing them up as a rebuttal to his point only highlights the strength of his assertion.

All that said, still think Ayo is Champaign-bound. ��
I've been an Illini fan for over 30 years--and have been around various Illinois boards since the Charley V. meltdown--but I don't know what's worse: endless analysis of a teenager's twitter feed or the fact that WF is even a point of comparison for us.
Can we (meaning us Illini fans) please stop being so defensive about the point in WF's favor about alums currently in the NBA? I mean, that is a matter of fact - Wrangor listed current alums in the NBA and forgot about BP3. I love Deron, et al., but bringing them up as a rebuttal to his point only highlights the strength of his assertion.

All that said, still think Ayo is Champaign-bound. ��

I don't think anyone is disputing the fact there is more current NBA'ers from WF, it was more the points he was trying to make using those players as an example, at least in my case. It wasn't defensiveness as much as debating.
That will never stop here! :thumb:

Wait. Am I being defensive about being defensive? :eek::illinois:
I've been an Illini fan for over 30 years--and have been around various Illinois boards since the Charley V. meltdown--but I don't know what's worse: endless analysis of a teenager's twitter feed or the fact that WF is even a point of comparison for us.

I mean to be fair... it does look pretty bad if you peak at his twitter feed lol.
Perhaps Ayo thinks Wake Forest is actually Lake Forest? Makes you wonder!

Now we have the clear hometown advantage.

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Actually, found this kind of funny
Wait. Am I being defensive about being defensive? :eek::illinois:

Whoa haha

I just want us to recruit some bigs. This imbalanced squad reminds me so much of Groce era...
Fortunately, that's one of the only similarities. And just wait 'til you see the offense run.

Ayo will do great. =)
I just want us to recruit some bigs. This imbalanced squad reminds me so much of Groce era...

Lol I’m so tired of the Groce-Underwood comparison on this. Underwood has a different system and recruits to what he thinks will win games. Considering his past success, I trust him to know what type of players he wants in what quantity on his roster.
Piper up to a 9.5 that AYO is an illini, said had to leave the .5 just in case still waiting to hear if Tate is going up or not to be 9.9 myself
Goodness y'all need to chill
Tomorrow's going to be amazing folks! Enjoy the ride 🍾:cool::hailtotheorange:
Piper up to a 9.5 that AYO is an illini, said had to leave the .5 just in case still waiting to hear if Tate is going up or not to be 9.9 myself

He said “to be politically correct, 9.5.”

He also alluded to Tay that he had info he couldn’t share publicly.
I just want us to recruit some bigs. This imbalanced squad reminds me so much of Groce era...

Not comparable. Groce's problem was he couldn't land a decent PG. You can't be a quality team without decent PG play. OTOH you can be a very good team without a top big man.

Don't get me wrong -- I'd like to to add another good PF/C to our roster. However if we were to go into 2018-19 with only Finke/Black/SpicyG/Matic up front, we could still be a very, very good team. Also Kipper can certainly play some PF.

In college ball, having quality guards (specifically PGs) is way more important than having quality bigs. (though obviously we want both!)
My little birdie sent me a picture of an orange SHARPIE! Book it folks! Tomorrow is going to be glourious! 50/50 with THT is also what he is saying.
I just want us to recruit some bigs. This imbalanced squad reminds me so much of Groce era...

That's like walking into Papa Dels and saying "man, I really want to go to a restaurant that has more than just pizza. This is too much like Little Caesars".

Sure, both of them dealt with roster imbalances, but something tells me that what Underwood is going to achieve with a guard-heavy roster is quite different than what Groce achieved with his group.

Just my hunch.
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