Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (August 2020)

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Bryce hopkins expected to cut his list down very soon.
Should be noted he has multiple offers including the blue bloods but he has had three zoom calls in total, kent(yucky)ndiana, and illinois were the only three to obtain a zoom call with him..
I like it. If the recruits’ growth plates are still open, they could benefit from a little futilizer.

Well, you can include me as one to welcome any player from Puerto Rico. Back in 1957, Paris established a "Little Guys" league, a form of youth basketball for kids 12 and under, similar to Little League, and founded by a group in Highwood, Illinois. There were 9 teams entered in the state tournament that year to decide who would advance to the 16 team International Little Guys Championship to be played in the Highland Park HS gym. LIttle Guys had been established the previous year, I believe, and IIRC, the first International Tournament was won by the local team from Highwood.

Anyway, we naturally thought we had a pretty good team, albeit hailing from a small town of about 9500 souls....but one that had dominated Illinois High School basketball for the past 20 years.

In our first round game, we were matched against a team from Racine, Wis., a city about 8 times the size of Paris. We beat them something like 44-20 and set our sites on being World Little Guys Champions. But little did we know.

Our second round game was against Puerto Rico....and of course they all spoke Spanish. It was rumored that some of them were as old as 15, but regardless, we learned we were just a bunch of slow white kids who could not compete with the speed and skill of those Puerto Ricans. The final score was in the neighborhood of 88-20, and there were a lot of hanging heads in the after game locker-room....and a newfound level of respect for those Puerto Rican athletes who were afraid of no one. But to our shock and surprise, they did not win the tournament. Likely because we had long since left for home and were not there to support them.

Evidently, the effort to develop a Little League for basketball failed to gain steam somewhere along the line. I sure though it was great as it gave young kids the opportunities similar to baseball. Players over 5' or 12 yo were not allowed, baskets were 8 1/2 feet, and the balls were even smaller than the present girls. Other leagues and associations, school local, state, and national have evidently replaced them, along with parallel opportunities for girls as well. But those Puerto Rican kids sure earned our respect and I have always wondered why more did not show up on major college rosters. Could be the language barrier is tough for some to succeed academically. But those kids, per capita, were as good as any from anywhere.
Weston seems destined for elsewhere. I think he'd be in line for a decent chunk of playing time immediately, given his skillset, but it wouldnt be guaranteed.

I think the age of our roster in 2021 and Goode being committed is going to make the 2/3 spot challenging to recruit for. I think another combo guard would easily get a good chunk of tick as a freshman, but the wing slot might require more pushing.
Sometimes when in the grocery store checkout line, I look at the items I'm purchasing and say to myself, "I'll bet no one else in the world has ever purchased these exact items in a single shopping trip --- (i.e. similar to the notion that no two snowflakes are identical").

When I look at Weston's final five, I get that same feeling.
It's ironic that the two home teams are represented by road jerseys

Well, from the picture, it is obvious that Illinois is in front! Though, Seton Hall seems to be head and shoulders above the rest. I'm confused. I wonder what number he would like to wear? ;)
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