Illinois Football Uniforms

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To the right of Tommy Touchdowns is what the OWB combo will look like with our uniform. Really wish Nike would have given us blue numbers on our white jerseys to at least differentiate the set a tad more from Syracuse.
All Orange makes them look like bunches of carrots on the field. Go with blue pants, and orange or white jersey and an orange helmet. O/W/O would work. One thing about having an Orange helmet is that it makes other Illini obvious on the field. That is consistent, it's always the same, would seem to be valuable to the quarterback tracking a receiver: look for the Orange head.
I think I'm reaching the cranky old man phase on uniforms where I just want everyone to go back to home and away.
Will they be selling the jerseys. The jerseys are sweet. Would love to have one. Probably about $150 or more. I wonder if they will auction off gameday jerseys.
I thought they would do these for the Michigan game (like most people) but tbh these look a lot better than I was expecting. Didn’t expect the leather helmet touch I assumed they would just do the brown helmet thing. Probably about as good as you could do if you want to be historically accurate which they obviously did.
Here’s the thing with these: if we beat Michigan in them, they’ll be remembered VERY fondly.

If it’s a snoozer, these are gonna age like milk.

A+ for effort.
A+ for lore.

D- aesthetically.
I’d say A+ effort, A+ lore and B aesthetically … I know it’s not the exact look during the Grange Era, but these would have benefited from navy pants!
The Grey Ghost uniforms never quite hit with me. They didn't have that historical feel, didn't look particularly good, and weren't recognizable as Illinois. These are the antithesis of those. They hit every note.

I've always wondered what a modern uniform would look like with the front stripes from the Grange era. This is about as good of a blend as you can possibly have. It invokes the past while still saying Illinois and looking pretty darn good considering. And then those helmets. 99 out of 100 times they would have been half-a$$ed, either flat brown or some weird decal. Getting them hand-painted makes all the difference in the world.

The competence of our current DIA continues to impress.
The Grey Ghosts ones were so bad because they weren’t historically accurate and they looked bad. The stripes went the right way but they had that gap to represent the columns that all the uniforms did then. And obviously we didn’t wear grey and they looked bad. I always felt those uniforms needed orange instead of blue as the secondary color.