Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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Illinois is the only school on that list that he has visited, correct? I really do not want to get my hopes up here.

Yeah Oregon just offered as well as Miami. Don't believe he made it for a visit there. Or any of the others. Still not holding my breath on this one. Would love to be wrong but don't think O&B going to be the choice.
I'm glad this happened. Maybe we can get things straighten out and everything will be fine between Illinois and ESL.
Yeah Oregon just offered as well as Miami. Don't believe he made it for a visit there. Or any of the others. Still not holding my breath on this one. Would love to be wrong but don't think O&B going to be the choice.

He's scheduled to visit Miami this weekend so I guess it depends on what he means by "real soon". Yeah, not holding my breath since he's not taking an OV here.
Would love to hear from Title on what all happened here really glad Knight is on board though. Thomas don't see even close to happening but Knight is a welcome addition

Knight liked Illinois from the beginning and wanted to Committ before his "official" since other schools were starting to show more interest. He has been to Illinois a few times before so the official wasn't as important for his decision. Over the weekend For whatever reason he wasn't getting a response from a couple of coaches so he asked the ESL staff to reach out and see what's up. The response was an if/then statement that didn't sit well. There was also a statement about Stan Green that sent things over the edge! I believe Lovie got wind and set things straight. Like I said earlier I felt Illinois would do the right thing here however what was said could have garaunteed a completely bad relationship moving forward.
Knight liked Illinois from the beginning and wanted to Committ before his "official" since other schools were starting to show more interest. He has been to Illinois a few times before so the official wasn't as important for his decision. Over the weekend For whatever reason he wasn't getting a response from a couple of coaches so he asked the ESL staff to reach out and see what's up. The response was an if/then statement that didn't sit well. There was also a statement about Stan Green that sent things over the edge! I believe Lovie got wind and set things straight. Like I said earlier I felt Illinois would do the right thing here however what was said could have garaunteed a completely bad relationship moving forward.

Appreciate the response and makes a lot of sense now. Just glad it was set straight and he has come on board.
Great breakdown of who is left in terms of targets.

Now that Callendar is off the board that leaves Debose, Harris, Roundtree, Bagner, Woods and Singletary as possible DEs in this class?

How many more DEs are we going to take? I'm guessing we want at least two out of this group.

Is Singletary visiting the same weekend as Woods?

I agree that I don't like the idea of taking guys just to get to 25-28 players in this class but we desperately need guys at DE. I think the idea for a couple of these guys is to red shirt them this fall, have then sit out 2018 and then be ready to crack the depth chart as RS Sophomores in 2019. Carney and Oladipo are going to have to play this fall.

Mcgrew and Adesanya are going to be RS Juniors in the fall so I would guess they are on the depth chart at DE for the next two years, although Adesanya has yet to play a single down. Jones is also a possibility for this fall or next year so we can take on a couple of projects.

Has to be at least 2 DEs, but possibly 3. Need to add bodies just in the event someone doesn't pan out, IMO. I believe Harris is currently listed as an ATH who could get moved elsewhere (not necessarily LIKELY, but possible -- 6'4 210, could play TE?) so Harris + 2 (Roundtree + Debose sounds nice :cool:) would be my ideal scenario.
Wonder how what happened in Oregon will hurt their recruiting or not. Can't be a good thing regardless how it's Spun.
Knight liked Illinois from the beginning and wanted to Committ before his "official" since other schools were starting to show more interest. He has been to Illinois a few times before so the official wasn't as important for his decision. Over the weekend For whatever reason he wasn't getting a response from a couple of coaches so he asked the ESL staff to reach out and see what's up. The response was an if/then statement that didn't sit well. There was also a statement about Stan Green that sent things over the edge! I believe Lovie got wind and set things straight. Like I said earlier I felt Illinois would do the right thing here however what was said could have garaunteed a completely bad relationship moving forward.

What was said about Green?
Knight liked Illinois from the beginning and wanted to Committ before his "official" since other schools were starting to show more interest. He has been to Illinois a few times before so the official wasn't as important for his decision. Over the weekend For whatever reason he wasn't getting a response from a couple of coaches so he asked the ESL staff to reach out and see what's up. The response was an if/then statement that didn't sit well. There was also a statement about Stan Green that sent things over the edge! I believe Lovie got wind and set things straight. Like I said earlier I felt Illinois would do the right thing here however what was said could have garaunteed a completely bad relationship moving forward.

Hard to imagine they would say much of anything bad about Green a freshman that performed very well.
Welcome to the O&B James Knight.

Hard hitter, at worst will be a 4 year special teams playmaker who could be interesting hybrid type defender as an upperclassman.

Might be a good fit with so many schools going spread need to be able to defend the run in the nickel.
Actually ESL staff do tell the coaches exactly what their grades are. Again, didn't Stanley Green start as a true freshman. This isn't their first Rodeo. Didn't Terry Beckner start as a True Freshman for Mizzou!. How about Tre'vour, didn't he play for Mizzou this year.

As many kids that have gone to play D1 ball from the current coaching staff, there is no reason to trick anyone or pretend. Nate Strong and Greg Taylor both went to Juco whiled being signed by Mizzou.

Specifically to Jeff Thomas, Illinois staff is confident in him so that is all that matter. He has the ACT so continue to talk negative it you want. I can assure you that they see the comments including the players.

Word of advise, most top recruits want to feel wanted and not questioned by the fan base. Especially grades EVERYTIME an ESL kid is mentioned. Good luck with winning Jeff over for the next few weeks. He and other players visit this sight.

I'll just leave this right here about the grades and qualifications
Cool. Just know he isn't the end all be all of information. The ESL coaches are seemingly open about each players grades, or at least leak enough information to the press about it, so the specific information is indeed out here.

Why is it a concern? Estes isn't coming and never really considered it and apparently the staff really want Thomas. They want him so much that they almost closed the door on ESL in an effort to get him. What you should be doing is focus on all the kids that have committed and hope that they all Qualify. ESL kids will be just fine. By the way the one ESL kid that you have significantly qualify so you can rest easy.
Regardless of what you know, I'd personally appreciate it if we as a whole steered clear of discussing/speculating on kid's grades. Comes off as kind of scummy and rather cringe inducing.
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