Illinois at Nebraska, Friday, September 20th, 7:00pm CT, FOX

I read two separate Husker boards with predictions. The average was Neb 35ish to Illinois 10ish points (some were wild like 48-3). I kept reading page after page to see who gave respect and it was generally those who actually know football. For their top posters, scores were 21-17 or some variation.

At first I laughed, then I realized that they think they will steamroll us.

If/when we win, much of their fanbase will have to reconcile a lot of feelings. In my mind, I am seeing a slight Nebraska edge (TD or less), mostly because of the homefield advantage. Go Illini!

Not necessarily responding directly to you with this but more a bigger point. For our fanbase it's still very likely that we lose this game and we are not immune from doing a lot of the same things we saw from the Kansas fanbase and melting down after a loss, even one we were the underdog in. If you look at the predictions in this thread almost all of them have us winning so we are setting ourselves up for disappointment if we lose what is going to a be a VERY tough matchup in an EXTREMELY hostile and fired up environment.

With that being said let's go out, beat the pants off them, and send all those rabid Husker fans home wondering when they really will be "back"
Not necessarily responding directly to you with this but more a bigger point. For our fanbase it's still very likely that we lose this game and we are not immune from doing a lot of the same things we saw from the Kansas fanbase and melting down after a loss, even one we were the underdog in. If you look at the predictions in this thread almost all of them have us winning so we are setting ourselves up for disappointment if we lose what is going to a be a VERY tough matchup in an EXTREMELY hostile and fired up environment.

With that being said let's go out, beat the pants off them, and send all those rabid Husker fans home wondering when they really will be "back"

I'm fully expecting some folks saying "We should try Leary", "bench everyone in the interior offensive line", "Why is Jamison such a good coach when we can't stop Nebraska running for X yards on us?" or other versions.
Rewatched some of the game from last year. Nebraska may not have been very good last year but we weren’t very good either. And we beat ourselves in that game. Opening drive we don’t get an inch in 2 plays cost us 7 points, and then we don’t field a kickoff (I’m with Robert. How have we never learned to use the wind to our advantage?) leading directly to another 7 points. That’s 14 points in a 13 point game. And there were at least 2-3 potential interceptions that went right through our hands.

I’m sure they are better but so are we. We eliminate self inflicted wounds and it should be a close game. If we can contain their run at all and force their frosh QB to throw it, I think we can pick a couple off and we just might win.
I seem to recall someone saying that some of the D backs who left this off season weren't willing to "tackle or lay the wood" or words to that effect. Everyone who plays this year is more than willing to do so. That may count for something.

Most are extremely confident in this being a blowout and will likely be showing up expecting domination.
That is not even close to being remotely true. Most thought the line at -8.5 was a bit high. A lot of husker fans have PTSD for night games against ranked teams. It's been a very very long time since we've played well in those conditions.

There might be a couple of yahoos on message boards, but husker fans are not confident in anything right now related to football.

Most predictions I've seen are in the 5 to 10 point win area.

A very very very few think it will be a blowout.
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That is not even close to being remotely true. Most thought the line at -8.5 was a bit high. A lot of husker fans have PTSD for night games against ranked teams. It's been a very very long time since we've played well in those conditions.

There might be a couple of yahoos on message boards, but husker fans are not confident in anything right now related to football.

Most predictions I've seen are in the 5 to 10 point win area.

Quite a few think it will be a blowout by the Illini.