Illinois 74, Northwestern 66 POSTGAME

We spend a lot of time "dicking around" with the ball 35 feet from the basket against the zone
A.G. outside shooting was uplifting
Get G.B back on track and their enthusiasm wold really be contagious
Pat Spencer is an interesting story
Great atmosphere at the game (sprang for last minute tickets). We won against an overmatched NU team but it's clear we didn't have our heads in the game. Hope we can turn it on in the remaining games.

Also, other than because we were up big, can anyone else think of a reason why Griffin didn't play the last few minutes? Taking your best scorer of the game out just invited a possible comeback attempt. Doesn't make any sense but hey, got the win.
Defense. In his presser Brad talked about how far AG has come defensively, but you can tell he has more faith in others on the defensive end still. Easy to see he considers his best defensive combination to be the starting lineup. I can't remember exactly if Kipper saw any time the last few minutes (don't think he did), but if he did I think BU likes his length on defensive end especially with the length of NW. He also mentioned during the presser that the plan was for Kipper to get plenty of minutes (again because of NW's length I think), but his quick foul trouble squashed that.
Thank you AG. Our problem as I see it is that if GB doesnt find himself and start producing a potentially great season could crash and burn early come tournament time.
Agree...BVV's foot injury is becoming a bigger issue as the season goes forward
Game was fun, AG was awesome, but the best part, by far, was trouncing them in their gym while our fanbase turned it into a home game for us. It feels good to have a team that has us back on the national stage and back to being -- without a doubt -- THE team of Chicago.
Talk about a resurgence from the mistake at Purdue. That is how you bounce back. Griffin looked like he was having a ton of fun last night.
Talk about a resurgence from the mistake at Purdue. That is how you bounce back. Griffin looked like he was having a ton of fun last night.

That mistake could be the best thing that happened to him. His action and suspension are still most of the top hits on his Google search. If I'm him, that gives me all the motivation in the world to dominate on the court and make that be what people remember and write about.
Easy to see he considers his best defensive combination to be the starting lineup.

round here, we call this "good thinking".
If they don't score, you can't lose.
Some will still scream for AG and TJ, but I think Coach is doing a fine job.
Its a cultural message; Those willing to do the hard work, i.e. defense and rebounding, get to play.
Not going to name drop, we’ve all seen the posts claiming TJ not getting minutes is a travesty and ignoring the current chemistry of the team.
sure there are people that want TJ to get more minutes.

Not a single one said that it should come at the expense of Griffin. Just amazing that people need to set up straw men to knock down.

This board has been hugely supportive of Griffin. I seriously can't remember a single person suggesting that he was getting too many minutes.
Looking pretty good, but I would feel much better if Giorgi and Trent started making their shots. Practice, practice, practice shooting guys,
we need you.

Alan, what can we say? Great game. Without Alan, I dare say we lose this game, we need your offense.. Great hustle, should be starting and more minutes each
game. We have to have your outside shooting if we are going to go deep in the tournament. No one else seems to be making the 3s with consistency.

keep on truckin
Wonder how Northwestern does in this game without Spencer?
sure there are people that want TJ to get more minutes.

Not a single one said that it should come at the expense of Griffin. Just amazing that people need to set up straw men to knock down.

This board has been hugely supportive of Griffin. I seriously can't remember a single person suggesting that he was getting too many minutes.
Who’s minutes would TJ take though? The argument of course shifted to DMW and Kipper, but this was at one point an argument that Tevian deserved minutes over AG simply because of one good game last year. The majority of this board has been supportive of Griffin and rightfully so.
sure there are people that want TJ to get more minutes.

Not a single one said that it should come at the expense of Griffin. Just amazing that people need to set up straw men to knock down.

This board has been hugely supportive of Griffin. I seriously can't remember a single person suggesting that he was getting too many minutes.
And FYI, the first post was partially in jest towards those still complaining about Tevian not getting minutes as the team has surpassed most expectations this year.
If you are positive like this on NU's future, and I'm not arguing there's some reasons to be, what are the Big Ten teams who will be down next year, next couple years? Everyone has been saying good things about Nebraska's future too, just got the Wisky transfer...just wondering who the 10-14ish Big Ten teams will be going forward if people think Nebraska and NU are going to move up. And most importantly want to make sure the days of Illinois being in that group are a thing of the past. Seems like they should be. Could Purdue slide back, Wisky slide back, Rutgers, Penn State, etc.
I'm with you on the long term for Northwestern. At the end of the day, the tourney appearance was just a chimera. They have a Dookie leading their program. They will suffer the same fate as every other team in America that had a Dookie lead their program.
Agree. The rightful order of the universe has been restored. After the one aberrant year when NW actually made the NCAA tourney, NW slid down to 10th then last year and probably this year they are back at the bottom (dare I say, where they belong?). Sure, they may not end up in the cellar every year but I doubt that I will see them make the tourney again in my lifetime. They may get some good players but everyone else in the B1G will get better ones. Just one of those things.
Great atmosphere at the game (sprang for last minute tickets). We won against an overmatched NU team but it's clear we didn't have our heads in the game. Hope we can turn it on in the remaining games.

Also, other than because we were up big, can anyone else think of a reason why Griffin didn't play the last few minutes? Taking your best scorer of the game out just invited a possible comeback attempt. Doesn't make any sense but hey, got the win.

I pretty sure Underwood wants Williams in there for his defense, but I agree Griffin should be playing at the end. I think he is better than Williams when it comes to free throws too.
I'm with you on the long term for Northwestern. At the end of the day, the tourney appearance was just a chimera. They have a Dookie leading their program. They will suffer the same fate as every other team in America that had a Dookie lead their program.
Seems like the Dookie head coaches who don't cheat to get players can't find a way to win... hmmm...
No reason to wear out AG3 with extra minutes. Stretch run, keep everyone fresh. It's an 8 man rotation with no foul trouble and spot minutes for Tev unless something goes bad.

BU is doing an excellent job with the rotation.
Good point - and - you also have him leaving the game on a good feeling - rather than missing his next 3 attempts.
They will suffer the same fate as every other team in America that had a Dookie lead their program.

20 years of success and consistent postseason appearances (Mike Brey)? Consistent 20-win seasons (Steve Wojciechowski)? Potentially leading a team to its first-ever conference title (Bobby Hurley)?
Talk about a resurgence from the mistake at Purdue. That is how you bounce back. Griffin looked like he was having a ton of fun last night.

Surprised he didn't get T'ed up for shaking his hand like it was "en fuego". That's taunting and I'm sure it hurt the feelings of some NW players.
Always love beating the little purple kitty cats. Oh and big props to all the Illini fans that took over their place lol. Could hear lots of loud cheers for the Illini whenever they scored a bucket, it was glorious!
Good point - and - you also have him leaving the game on a good feeling - rather than missing his next 3 attempts.
i see your point, but i believe AG (along with ayo) is the mentally toughest kid on the team if he misses 3 shots in a row that is not going to affect him one bit, the kid is not scared at all.