Illinois 56, Michigan State 55 Postgame

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This is a great win against a quality opponent, needed.
However, we really need some kind of offense from Damonte and/or Coleman. A big (offensive) game by either puts this game away.

We can't have the 4 on 5 setups from losing teams past.
Damonte is 37 years old. In 5 seasons, he has had a total of 11 games scoring in double digits. 6 of those games were from last season. 0 so far from this season. If it hasn't happened yet, I don't think it's going to happen.

With Coleman, when the post opponents got better, his production dried up. He's just not physical enough.

That said, this game was won by defense. We shot pretty poorly. Grandison 14% from 3, Trent 20%, Plummer was good at 43%, Goode was good (ee) at 75%. We were only 43% from the line and only got their 7 times. Massively outrebounded. However, we got up on them and defended. The entire team. When they got out in transition they had some wide open look, but in the half court sets, we made them work very hard. This was a 100% team defense win and Damonte is probably our best defender.
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Wild game, lucky to have the W. Goode looks really good out there.
Every team needs a Big Johnson
I'm not saying he shouldn't contest. That's the point. Contest without fouling. What happens if he makes it through the contact? Then you're suddenly on the verge of losing instead of maybe going to overtime. Also, guy's a 70% FT shooter. Was that even a 50% shot? Not if contested (without fouling)
I have looked at that shot over and over and over. I don't believe it was his intention to foul at all. Just to give the MSU kid something to shoot over. If he hadn't challenged that shot, everyone on here would have been screaming about it. That was an easy layup if he doesn't challenge it and Hawk didn't slap at the ball or do anything except try to give the MSU kid something to shoot over. They called it a foul but, it was not a foul that is called very often and very rarely at that point in a game. Hawk did exactly what you are taught to do in that situation. I actually initially responded to someone that basically called it a stupid foul. I don't know any decent high schoolers that would have missed that shot if no one had contested it.
Watching the BU presser, it never occurred to me before how strange it must be to be a professional coach after a win. You go into your locker room pumped up, screaming in celebration, foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, jumping around, blood vessel protruding dangerously far out of your forehead. Then you exit the locker room and you sit down at the post game press conference.
The adrenaline is still pumping. You straighten your tie, fix your hair, clear your throat and pretend to remember how to communicate with other non-basketball-playing humans. Speaking into the microphone, you say, "culture win", with your inside voice while just below the surface you desperately want to shout while slapping the white board behind you. Just wild.
Against the #10 team in the country and #1 team in the B1G standings, playing down a NPOY candidate that averages a double double and a preseason point guard/All American candidate, and on a two game losing streak and with a spate of recent COVID and flu outbreaks on the team...
That is one helluva win. One helluva win.
Trent Frazier is one of our greatest PGs, period.
Trent Frazier can have both of his feet on the ground and still kick butt!
Damonte is 37 years old. In 5 seasons, he has had a total of 11 games scoring in double digits. 6 of those games were from last season. 0 so far from this season. If it hasn't happened yet, I don't think it's going to happen.

With Coleman, when the post opponents got better, his production dried up. He's just not physical enough.
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Izzo whines a lot on the sidelines and he does a lot to make the U of I faithful despise him. But, if you watch his postgame presser, he was very decent and gave us a lot of credit. Historically, his teams seem to get better as the season goes on. His teams are always very physical.
I have looked at that shot over and over and over. I don't believe it was his intention to foul at all. Just to give the MSU kid something to shoot over. If he hadn't challenged that shot, everyone on here would have been screaming about it. That was an easy layup if he doesn't challenge it and Hawk didn't slap at the ball or do anything except try to give the MSU kid something to shoot over. They called it a foul but, it was not a foul that is called very often and very rarely at that point in a game. Hawk did exactly what you are taught to do in that situation. I actually initially responded to someone that basically called it a stupid foul. I don't know any decent high schoolers that would have missed that shot if no one had contested it.

Honestly they showed that replay from behind several times and it really looked the Hawkins contorted his body to avoid the contact. Need to see another angle but it really didn't look like a lot of contact. To me it seemed like another example of a ref anticipating the call instead of seeing it.
Is there a replay of the game available? Checked on ESPN+ but cannot find it.
It's been a week since I checked in with the updated EM standings:


Two losses and a rough win for Illinois has brought them back to the pack, with the defense taking a hit against Maryland and the offense taking a hit against MSU. However, they're still ahead of the field. EM knows not that Illinois is short handed.

Beyond them, Purdue, MSU and Michigan are really close at the top, which was really anticipated coming into the season.

Third tier of Ohio State, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, all net positive, should all be safely into the tournament.

Next tier, we have Rutgers and Maryland, two teams slightly below the bubble, could play their way into respectability yet with some wins (though Maryland won AT Rutgers tonight).

Fifth tier we have PSU, Northwestern and Minnesota, all really having a rough go of the league, probably out of postseason contention unless they go on a huge run.

Then we have Nebraska, who is still really bad.
It is such a bad look to have these coaches in constant conversations with officials along the sideline. These conversations have gotten more and more prevalent with each year that goes by. As I said this is a horrible look for College basketball. When I first started watching and playing basketball back in the stone ages such conversations were often met with Technical fouls being called. I believe there should never be any conversation between game Referees and Coaches. There is absolutely no reason in the world that a coach needs to talk to an official. The referees call the game.The coaches coach the players. I believe that it is long past due that rules be passed that no conversation is to be allowed between game coaches and referees once play begins until the final buzzer occurs. Such conversations serve no purpose. I also believe that when a coach makes an attempt to talk to an official that the official is then obligated to a call a technical foul on the bench.
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