Illini Football 2019

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I feel like this has all the makings of a transfer out.
I agree. And yes it would be enormously disappointing considering his talent and position. However, if your not going to do what it takes to succeed at the college level, it would be best for both parties. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though!
In all seriousness, maybe the opening of the Smith Center will help Calvin. I hear all the players just hang out there after football practices now. So if your there, your not out ruining your diet (or anything illegal for that matter), your around your teammates that are doing the right thing, hopefully making a good impression. IDK, just trying to think positive
Hopefully Marquez can get Calvin on track. They are both from Bishop Dunne so maybe Marquez can get in his ear a bit. He has the potential to be dominant. Reminds me of Moe Dampeer from Decatur that got recruited to Oklahoma and squandered that opportunity. Let's hope Calvin gets it in gear.
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Do we have a sophomore red shirt tracker? (What happened to Avery?)

I don't think one is really necessary. If a guy is healthy and not playing as a Sophomore then that's really not a good sign (obviously). These guys are more likely to enter the portal than be contributors here in the future.

Avery participated in the game against Akron. He's just 7th in the rotation at DT right now. We have 3 Seniors at DT so we really need him to step up next year.

The participation chart for Saturday's game is here if you are curious about who played:
I didn't know where to put this, but the same argument could be made for Luke Ford. I am sure that there probably a lot more cases that are similar.

I didn't know where to put this, but the same argument could be made for Luke Ford. I am sure that there probably a lot more cases that are similar.

Like Luke’s case, this case should have been a slam dunk. The NCAA’s blatant bias towards the “Blue Blood” programs is despicable. I’m really glad SVP (my favorite sports reporter since his take on Mikey Dudek) called out the corrupt, unethical, and insensitive NCAA. I just wish someone at the top of the NCAA would get a conscience.
Like Luke’s case, this case should have been a slam dunk. The NCAA’s blatant bias towards the “Blue Blood” programs is despicable. I’m really glad SVP (my favorite sports reporter since his take on Mikey Dudek) called out the corrupt, unethical, and insensitive NCAA. I just wish someone at the top of the NCAA would get a conscience.

Until we as fans stop feeding the pig, it won't stop, but to stop feeding the pig means we hurt the kids working their tails off to possibly making a living at doing what they love. Once the non blue blood ADs start pooling together and come up with their own way, which will be painful for all for a few years, we are screwed guys/gals. If the kids buy into it, maybe some sort of incentive program for them to come to one of these non-NCAA programs, then the NCAA will crumble.

I'll go back to lurking now.
I really don’t get why there isn’t more pull from the p5 conferences to get out of the ncaa. The inconsistency for one, but really, why have a middle man take a chunk of the profit like the ncaa does when it could go straight to the schools?
I really don’t get why there isn’t more pull from the p5 conferences to get out of the ncaa. The inconsistency for one, but really, why have a middle man take a chunk of the profit like the ncaa does when it could go straight to the schools?
If they threw out the NCAA they'd have to invent a new organization to manage and distribute the collective interests objectively. In other words, they'd have to replace the marginal functionality the NCAA does offer so they'd hire a bunch of people with that experience...during their time at the NCAA, for example. In the end they'd have a *NewNCAA* that's dysfunctional in all the same old ways and a bunch of new ways, too.

Change the performance requirements for the NCAA and any deficiencies reduce their slice of the pie. Stop paying them to NOT do their job.
To change the subject, let's play a scenario that the prize is winning the B1G title. Now, as has happened to a team we all know and love, have each team lose their best offensive player, lose their best defensive player, and lose their top recruit/incoming freshman. Then which team has lost its chance to win the B1G. And which team thus moves up to take the crown? I submit that THE Ohio State losing their star transfer quarterback goes kaput. The team most likely to rise to the top with the personnel they would have left is Wisconsin. So yes, this is an excuse for the Illini, who have suffered such a great loss so early, to get a pass on the 2019 season.
To change the subject, let's play a scenario that the prize is winning the B1G title. Now, as has happened to a team we all know and love, have each team lose their best offensive player, lose their best defensive player, and lose their top recruit/incoming freshman. Then which team has lost its chance to win the B1G. And which team thus moves up to take the crown? I submit that THE Ohio State losing their star transfer quarterback goes kaput. The team most likely to rise to the top with the personnel they would have left is Wisconsin. So yes, this is an excuse for the Illini, who have suffered such a great loss so early, to get a pass on the 2019 season.

Ohio state would be fine. They won the cfp with their 3rd string qb. They have so much talent.

Before the season began, there was much discussion as to who would make big year to year jumps in everything football. I stated then that Hansen was a curiosity to me. Well, after two games, it is clear that Hansen has arrived. He has clearly become a force from his LB position. The one sack he had demonstrated his dogged never say quit on a play. Here's hoping he has an all star year. The team needs him.
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