Illini Basketball 2024-2025

Guessing the starting five for Sunday:


Tre Ty and DGL first three off the bench
Hoping for Ty to be B10 6th player of the year. He has been reported to be taking and making 3s. Has he been working on and succeeding at improving his free-throw shooting? He needs to be taking and making a lot of those.
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Slim to none … My guess (and this is purely guess and what I hear from staff) is that we are going to go through the same situation that happened with Big Z … Think this could be a situation that leaks into the new year … I’ve heard it could be done before then but we literally just have no idea at this point … So I’m preparing for the worst …

And it’s 10000000000% on the NCAA …
I know you don’t know the answer to this so this is complete rhetorical, but whose desk is this sitting on and what else are they doing? There can’t be that many “Euro kid played pro ball did he properly preserve his amateur status?” Cases in the queue.

Tomi should just threaten to sue them. Every time they go to Court they get their *** kicked. Push comes to shove not sure this is a hill NCAA is willing to die on.

Brad is not lying. He, and his staff, and the DIA, don't know. Which means the insiders don't know.

The reality is that while this COULD be happily resolved tomorrow, the NCAA dragging their feet through a bunch or most of a season is a very common occurrence in these cases, that happened to Ivisic's brother last year at Magical Blue Blood Kentucky, and the chances this is resolved with the NCAA declaring that he's NOT eligible are higher than the market is pricing in at this point.

We have a gigantic hole at center and no assurances when or if it will be filled. That is reality.
Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF
Free Tomi because it happened to his brother at UK last season. I think it was during break that his brother was able to play. Let's hope it doesn't happen to Tomi.
I know you don’t know the answer to this so this is complete rhetorical, but whose desk is this sitting on and what else are they doing? There can’t be that many “Euro kid played pro ball did he properly preserve his amateur status?” Cases in the queue.

Tomi should just threaten to sue them. Every time they go to Court they get their *** kicked. Push comes to shove not sure this is a hill NCAA is willing to die on.
Ok, I think that we should be done with player lawsuits for the next century. We took the kid on knowing full well that this was a distinct possibility. It happened with his brother for God's sake. How much closer to home does it have to get?
Free Tomi because it happened to his brother at UK last season. I think it was during break that his brother was able to play. Let's hope it doesn't happen to Tomi.
It seems insane that it's dragging on so long since his brother was cleared last year and Tomi simply played one season longer overseas.

However we're Illinois and not Kentucky so wouldn't be entirely surprised to see them just not clear him.
All awesome to listen to. A few things...

After listening to him, this really makes me root for Carey Booth. He may take a bit of a back seat, but you can tell that he's dug in for development and wants to be great here. Definitely rooting for that young man.

Will is definitely not the guy to get a ton of insight from lol...not at all saying that's a bad thing...he seems like a guy who can do it all, but maybe couldn't tell you how he did it.

I hope Tre White can provide some veteran leadership for this team. I like his tone.

Ben is gonna be pretty good.

They all just seem...about winning and about ball, that's it. For God's sake, get Tomi settled so he can play.

This group is different. Last year's team was old and veteran led. I think there's gonna be a ton of "look how good he's gotten" and "he's improved so much" with this team. It might be rough early, but these guys are gonna get gooooooooood as the season progresses. We pray for no injuries, Tomi to get cleared and a unified group. Can't wait for the season to start.
It's a scrimmage. so who knows. who cares.

As to games that matter, I'm where it sounds like you are. I expect Ty to have a ton of minutes, likely start. a young team with very little experience with Underwood, needs a guy like Ty on the court a ton.
I think that 3 spot is probably the most up in the air right now. But Will, Ty, and Tre will all have major roles on this team.
I agree and will enjoy watching them playing on the court together