Illini Basketball 2024-2025

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I don't know all of the ins, outs, and whathaveyous, but I think it's fair to say he played a role in ruining that entire season.

I don't think he deserves to have D batteries thrown at him upon his return, but "oh, he realized that he and his family made a mistake" doesn't really move my needle in comparison to his actions while here (and not here, but still collecting a check).

Based on what a complete tittybaby he seems to be, I wouldn't be shocked if this is at least partly motivated by a desire not to be yelled at or boo'ed upon his return.

He probably wants to make the whole thing into just another chapter in his book "Nothing Happened," but it did in fact happen.

And I'm mostly kidding here, but for all we know, Skyy hates Tre White and wanted to cause him grief.
I think this is a case where multiple things can be true. You can respect the fact he seemingly acknowledges he made a rash decision, but also be annoyed about how things went down. These aren’t mutually exclusive feelings.

I will admit, though, I’m always going to go easier on transfers than most. I was a D1 athlete and it didn’t work out at my first school. Trying to navigate that at 18 and 19 is tough. Yeah, he handled it about as bad as an athlete can and that sucks, but he can also learn and grow from it. It seems like he has to some extent. I hope he continues to.
Brother, he left his teammates mid season and by most accounts tried to lie saying it was his dad's health that was causing him to leave. He realizes it was a dumba** decision now (going from Underwood to Kenny Payne will have that effect) and I have sympathy for the guy for almost tanking his own career but this is big boy basketball and we're one of the bullies on the playground now.

If we really are the "House of Paign" that we want to get back to from the 2000s, he should be booed every damn time he even looks at the rock.
But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.
I think this is a case where multiple things can be true. You can respect the fact he seemingly acknowledges he made a rash decision, but also be annoyed about how things went down. These aren’t mutually exclusive feelings.

I will admit, though, I’m always going to go easier on transfers than most. I was a D1 athlete and it didn’t work out at my first school. Trying to navigate that at 18 and 19 is tough. Yeah, he handled it about as bad as an athlete can and that sucks, but he can also learn and grow from it. It seems like he has to some extent. I hope he continues to.
Yes to your first paragraph but I can't let him off that easily in your second.

Skyy had plenty of transfer experience by the time he came here. It was not a one-time thing adjusting to one school.

If someone has a problem everywhere they go, then they are the problem. And add UCLA to the snip below.

I think this is a case where multiple things can be true. You can respect the fact he seemingly acknowledges he made a rash decision, but also be annoyed about how things went down. These aren’t mutually exclusive feelings.

I will admit, though, I’m always going to go easier on transfers than most. I was a D1 athlete and it didn’t work out at my first school. Trying to navigate that at 18 and 19 is tough. Yeah, he handled it about as bad as an athlete can and that sucks, but he can also learn and grow from it. It seems like he has to some extent. I hope he continues to.
Well stated.
Before we get all kissy & huggy remember he left the team/teammates in mid season and still took his NIL money. Actions speak louder than words.
Let's hold grudges against a teen lol you will not be forgiven for doing what you thought was best for you nor will you be allowed to look at the colors orange and or blue 🔶🔷️ you are dismissed young man 👨
Let's hold grudges against a teen lol you will not be forgiven for doing what you thought was best for you nor will you be allowed to look at the colors orange and or blue 🔶🔷️ you are dismissed young man 👨
Enough of these 'teen' or 'kid' excuses. This is big business with big money now and they're being advised by parents and other adults. No need to go overboard against him, but actions have consequences, especially to your reputation. 'Doing what you thought was best for you' is not always the right answer when commitments and obligations are involved.
I'm doing some busy work and have the Illini Inquirer pod with LaTulip on in the background. They are going over Brad's coaching evolution and are hitting every iteration. The thing that is so obvious is he cares more about winning than ideology. So many coaches have their system and would rather lose than adapt. Goodness knows we've had our share of those. Brad, on the other hand, will scrap systems midseason if it gives the team a better chance of winning. What he runs is dependent on the squad he has, not the other way around. Yeah, there are those moments in-game where you might desperately want him to double the post or something like that, but on the whole, he's so much more adaptable than most. And it's not just his system, but his entire philosophy. He once preached the importance of defense. How could he not coming from the coaching tree he came from? Now, though, he's all gas and no breaks, score more than the other guy because that's how the game has moved. In a profession where ego reigns, Brad's willingness to reshape his system and how he sees the game year after year separates him.
The discussion starts at the 21:48 mark.
So should we land young WR we will have a deeper team than I can remember. I have been patiently been waiting for what Brad said he wanted to do when he got here.. RUN. This seems to be our chance. We have the ability to set out 2 5 man lineups and platoon them in and just run just about everyone out of the gym.
You could develop 2 fairly equal but very different platoons that would give opposing teams fits. Start a lineup with a 7 footer in the middle, athletic wing and a couple of 3 point sharp shooters. After a couple minutes switch over to a lineup with Rez in the middle, big out in Booth, and Riley playing the small. This would be quite fun to watch as opposing coaches try to keep up with their defensive schemes. Add endless fresh legs and you have lots of Ws
So should we land young WR we will have a deeper team than I can remember. I have been patiently been waiting for what Brad said he wanted to do when he got here.. RUN. This seems to be our chance. We have the ability to set out 2 5 man lineups and platoon them in and just run just about everyone out of the gym.
You could develop 2 fairly equal but very different platoons that would give opposing teams fits. Start a lineup with a 7 footer in the middle, athletic wing and a couple of 3 point sharp shooters. After a couple minutes switch over to a lineup with Rez in the middle, big out in Booth, and Riley playing the small. This would be quite fun to watch as opposing coaches try to keep up with their defensive schemes. Add endless fresh legs and you have lots of Ws

We have run plenty since Brad's been here and I think that will continue next year whether we get Riley or not.

OTOH, I highly doubt we do the type of platooning you describe using two 5-man lineups.
We have run plenty since Brad's been here and I think that will continue next year whether we get Riley or not.

OTOH, I highly doubt we do the type of platooning you describe using two 5-man lineups.
I agree, I doubt we see much, if any, hockey style line changes. However, I also agree with original poster; I love the hockey style/bench mob line change if you got the talent for it. And Riley or not, I believe we do.
I agree, I doubt we see much, if any, hockey style line changes. However, I also agree with original poster; I love the hockey style/bench mob line change if you got the talent for it. And Riley or not, I believe we do.
Yeah I've never seen platoon system work in basketball. Except for an occasional attempt to get your regular players attention. Like Brad did one game last season.
Yeah I've never seen platoon system work in basketball. Except for an occasional attempt to get your regular players attention. Like Brad did one game last season.
Did see a HS team do it effectively many years ago. Team had a team of 6’ -6’3” players with no big man. High level conference with big front courts so they just ran at every opportunity and pressed the whole game. Didn’t win the conference but competitive and finished in top half.
Did see a HS team do it effectively many years ago. Team had a team of 6’ -6’3” players with no big man. High level conference with big front courts so they just ran at every opportunity and pressed the whole game. Didn’t win the conference but competitive and finished in top half.

This was Danville the year I worked at Champaign Central. They were some dawgs.
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