Game Thread: Illinois vs Wisconsin

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Didn’t pre-season MM suggest he could be DPOY? Gotta wonder what made him think that.
I can live with this effort. We are looking more like a team with basketball IQ on offense.
Best we've played in a while. I'll take this effort minus one player's defensive effort (or lack thereof) every time out. I like how we're playing and responding to the off-court stuff so far. Getting back to the basics and aggressively driving and getting the ball inside
He can shoot just needs to find the stroke again
His shot is so flat right now. Everything looks good form wise from the waist up. However. He is not using his legs to shoot. That is why I want him to go to the hoop. To pump fake and get to the FT line and pull up. Get his legs engaged again during his shot. No bend in the knees = Flat shot. That is why he is struggling right now.
If a shot ever needed to go in.....ffs
Going all the way back to the Mizzou game, today's effort (relatively speaking) is stellar!!!

Lots of GOOD going on.
I can’t believe we can’t run an offense the gets Meyer an open look? Crazy
Epps is just about the only player I enjoy watching on this team at the moment

Edit: and Dainja
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