Game Thread: Illinois vs Kansas

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think this can be a bowl team,

but lets be honest, really not a chance here. we'd be lucky to keep this single digits at halftime.

crazy how just beating eastern illinois have everyone forget about kansas. and the game last year.

outside of some jalon daniels food poisoning in this waining hours, we're in for a long night.
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think this can be a bowl team,

but lets be honest, really not a chance here. we'd be lucky to keep this single digits at halftime.

crazy how just beating eastern illinois have everyone forget about kansas. and the game last year.

outside of some jalon daniels food poisoning in this waining hours, we're in for a long night.
You must be fun at parties
think this can be a bowl team,

but lets be honest, really not a chance here. we'd be lucky to keep this single digits at halftime.

crazy how just beating eastern illinois have everyone forget about kansas. and the game last year.

outside of some jalon daniels food poisoning in this waining hours, we're in for a long night.
User name checks out… when you factor in three decades of futility-driven angst and hopes forever dashed.
This feels/looks like a 2001 game with those unis.

Hope the game plays out like most of the games from that season.
I-L-L....I-N-I If we can play a clean game & force some turnovers who knows, we can pull off the home upset. Those of you at Memorial Stadium tonight, be loud for us!!!!
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