Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa

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If you asked me last week, I'd rather us lose to Iowa on free throws than Penn State on free throws. But let's go, guys. It's right there. Make the most of this drought.
Trent just missed that lob to Kofi

gotta make that pass ...
About 8 minutes left...lets make it count folks. GO ILLINI!:chief:
I’m pacing my living room. I pray we can tighten up and get a few shots to fall.
Would love to see RJ at the 2 and Monte at the 3. Belo just doesn’t seem in it tonight. Be a nice lanky lineup for us and we could switch a lot of screens
Man.....we are playing tight
Love AC's potential, but I'm absolutely not ready to turn over the point guard keys to the team for next year. Way to unpredictable still. Glad we have him but nervous...
Okay, okay. Here's the thing. We've played some low IQ basketball tonight, we've had some poor play on both sides of the ball, but we're down only 4 with 9 minutes to go. Play the defense you're capable of these 9 minutes and you'll leave with the championship. Just keep grinding
Way to stay positive
Man could this team use an Ayo. Just don’t have a go to guy in these games. Hope someone steps up the last 5
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