Game Thread: Illinois vs Iowa

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Don't know. Hill is not a beat you one on one player. I don't like the running down the clock with this much time left. It usually leads to a bad shot.
Agree. Shouldn't be playing slow down unless up double digits with less than 2 minutes left.
Lucas and Kipper are who I would role with for the rest of the game over Abrams and Hill.
Single digit game...
Definitely not iowa's best tonight... But for a game I thought was a coin flip, I'll be happy with a double digit win and the beginning of the TJL-starting era. And a strong close. Give me a strong close. Please.
Jesus, we have trapped ourselves out at half court no fewer than 5 times
How about we not stand and dribble by the half court stripe
His defender bit on the pump fake. What is illegitimate about that? They call that all day at the next level.

It's a garbage move at any level. If you pump and go up for an actual shot attempt and get hit, fine. But the leap at defender and/or flail garbage doesn't deserve a call. I will never be upset when one is not given on that.
His defender bit on the pump fake. What is illegitimate about that? They call that all day at the next level.

Biting is not the foul. Coming down on the shooter is, but if the shooter steps in under the defender, no foul. Easy non-call for me. The whole league has scouted it, I assume, and opponents are instructed to take a side angle on their bite, not direct. That's my theory anyway.
Keep the ball in TJL hands and this team will be ok
Either Groce has no idea how to break a press or is unable to convey instructions to his team. Either way it's not good enough.
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