Game Thread: Illinois vs Central Michigan

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Between our play calling and o-line blocking, our offense is just offensive. Nebraska will kill us if we play like this against them and we aren't out of the woods in this game either.
Say what you want about the playcalling, but the OL discipline and communication is atrocious
I’m going to get annoying about it so apologies, but it is 100% on the OC to set up plays that allow the OL and QB to get into a rhythm.

This is what Lunney is not very good at IMHO.

After the short throws and Valentine run, he calls some dumb trick play.
Good FG.

But those last two play calls and personnel packages were iffy
I've been saying Lunney needs to go from day 1, well maybe day 2. But our playcalling has always driven me insane.
Imagine if this was Michigan instead of central Michigan
I’m going to get annoying about it so apologies, but it is 100% on the OC to set up plays that allow the OL and QB to get into a rhythm.

This is what Lunney is not very good at IMHO.

After the short throws and Valentine run, he calls some dumb trick play.
If Miller doesn't have the OL ready to play, shouldn't it be on HIM ? ? ?
Football and basketball are similar in that when the defense thinks they can play over aggressively, they set themselves up to be burned. We’re not burning them however
Sometimes you run an End Around, ect. to give the defense something to think about in the future. It's a chess game.

One of the best developments we have with this offense is Arkin can catch the ball. That gives the defense something to think about as well. Again a Chess Game
I’m going to get annoying about it so apologies, but it is 100% on the OC to set up plays that allow the OL and QB to get into a rhythm.

This is what Lunney is not very good at IMHO.

After the short throws and Valentine run, he calls some dumb trick play.
A simple reverse is not a trick play, and it fits the 'misdirection against an aggressive defense' that everyone's been calling for all half.

It was just another play we executed like crap, which is also on Lunney as OC, but this habit of calling every play that doesn't get more than 2 yards an awful play call is so tiresome.
I’m not excusing the OL play, but the OC is the one reacting and adjusting to the defensive alignments and play.
Maybe you're right... But I'm thinking that the OC MIGHT be EXPECTING the OL and their coach to DO THEIR JOB... and if they do, MAYBE that play works...
Our edge/defensive end #7 didn't stay home on the QB keeper. Otherwise it works have been a 5 yard loss.
I’m going to get annoying about it so apologies, but it is 100% on the OC to set up plays that allow the OL and QB to get into a rhythm.

This is what Lunney is not very good at IMHO.

After the short throws and Valentine run, he calls some dumb trick play.
It is not 100% on the OC. That offensive line stinks right now. If you can't control the line of scrimmage, you can throw out 75% of your playbook.
If Miller doesn't have the OL ready to play, shouldn't it be on HIM ? ? ?
we don't have the horses. All great teams have strong OLines, we do not, so I don't expect us to be a great team. Pretty much as simple as that.

No a good OC should know, I'm not going to have time to run slow developing plays, I'm not going to be able to run straight down people's throats, I've got to be aware of what I've got and put them in the position to succeed.
Our Oline and offensive play will be a huge question going into the nebraska game regardless of a big second half turnaround.
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