Game Thread: Illinois at Penn State

You can tell Bret emphasized to Lunney to try and establish the run to kill game clock and keep this as tight as possible. Which is tricky because I feel like our strength is passing to Franklin in the slant and looking at Bryant down the sideline. I don't want to be too critical of this strategy as it is currently working pretty well.
Okay, anyone able to tell me what Bret saw to call that timeout before the two minute warning? Because switching to a run up the gut with your speed back is…a choice.
You can tell Bret emphasized to Lunney to try and establish the run to kill game clock and keep this as tight as possible. Which is tricky because I feel like our strength is passing to Franklin in the slant and looking at Bryant down the sideline. I don't want to be too critical of this strategy as it is currently working pretty well.
I wonder if they use the second half to really exploit this. Then wear them down further with the run if we get them on their heels.