Game Thread: Illinois at Indiana

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Just sitting here watching ESPN's pregame like...
Not even having these pregame jokers pick out game at the end. Unreal
They’re doing an epically poor job of promoted their following broadcast…
Grandison looks bad/slow early.

And please stop doing "the outfront weave". Run some plays Brad.
On the pregame thread, someone asked what the Lou-Bobby relationship was really like. Here's my take:

I was there for the "classic bully" moment and I believe the Lou-Bobby relationship was a bit more complicated than that ugly scene. Lou was as devoted to basketball as anyone who ever lived. If he had five spare minutes and a pencil, he'd start diagramming plays to pass the time the way other people might whistle. Knight respected this and as Lou was lifting our program out of the doldrums, Knight liked him and even invited him to be among the coaches watching and giving input during the '84 Olympic team tryouts in Bloomington.

Then Lou committed the unpardonable sign against Knight, he started beating IU fairly regularly. On the court and for recruits. All of a sudden, anyone with earshot of Knight would hear how bad a bench coach Lou was and what a dirty program he ran. Along with Bruce Pearl, it was Knight's close friend Digger Phelps who told the NCAA we cheated in the LaPhonso Ellis recruitment.

So the relationship was at an ebb in 1990-91. We're on probation and can't go to the tournament. Meanwhile, Lou is doing one of his best coaching jobs, eventually finishing third in the B1G. The story goes that with no postseason ahead, out sports information department went heavy promoting our guys for B1G postseason awards: Lou for COY (over Knight); Kaufmann for POY (over Calbeart Cheaney); Deon for FOY (over Damon Bailey). This apparently sets Knight off and after they beat us in Champaign, you have the classic bully incident.

Our program recedes under the probation penatlies and possibly Lou's age. Things seem to cool down as we're really not a threat to IU anymore and Knight finds other boogeymen to rage against. Lou decides to "retire" just before an end-of-season game at IU. IU gives Lou a rocking chair and Knight unepxectedly gets on the mike and says some very complimentary things about Lou, leaving him truly appreciative and I think even more surprised.

A few years later, Knight is dismissed at IU and writes a book with his favorite reporter, who asks about various controversies over the years. In regard to the classic bully incident, Knight again is very complimentary toward Lou and how hard his teams play. He says that any bad blood that might have existed was based on an Illinois assistant or two who went outside the rules. Knight says he's looking forward to seeing Lou and coaching against him again when Texas Tech plays New Mexico State.

Good summary…..I had the privilege to get to know Coach Henson years back.
There was a mutual respect between Knight and Henson. Knight also respected Lou as a great man, while Lou had little respect or admiration for Knight personally because of his uncontrollable temper, and the way he treated people.
Knight’s rants and temper were epic and he intimidated opposing players during games, coaches, officials, and administrators.
Lou was such a genuinely wonderful person. Kind to all, a man of faith, but also hugely competitive…
but he never “crossed the line”.
After a, IU victory over the beloved, Lou confronted Knight in the hall for his behavior during the game, and a shouting match ensued. Knight started cussing Lou up one side and down another. Lou got in Knights face and asked him if he wanted to step outside. Classic.
In the post game press conference Lou delivered his classic speach about Bob Knight bullying everyone….
but he won’t bully the Illini and he won’t bully Lou.
Lou has his critics for sure for “never winning the big one”, which is easily debatable….for another day.
But Lou Henson is revered for many things, and not backing down from the bully is one of them.

Now boys…..go into IU and bully your way to a victory!!!!!

I L L ! ! !
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