Conference Realignment, Naming Rights, Financing

Interesting, we will have to see if this goes somewhere or if it is just a rumor.

If true, where might Illinois land and who might we be paired with? I wouldn’t mind a setup with us being grouped with teams like Wisconsin, Iowa, Iowa State, ND, Minnesota, NW, Indiana, Purdue, Missouri, etc.
This is what the Athletic had as the initial proposal.

Ohio St and that entire Midwest region makes zero sense.


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Interesting, we will have to see if this goes somewhere or if it is just a rumor.
It is, as others have pointed out, a PR exercise for people that are being bulldozed over by the actual state of play in college sports, the B1G and SEC's now-inevitable NFL-ization.

It's a message board post, essentially.

A good one, as message board posts go, but what bugs me is that if you're nuking TV competition from the system in your hypothetical, just put the old conferences back together! TV competition destroyed the conferences and eliminating TV competition would remove any barrier to restoring the conferences.

That's something a lot of fans don't understand in a clear way and more people should say it.
This is what the Athletic had as the initial proposal.

Ohio St and that entire Midwest region makes zero sense.
Who was debating unequal revenue shares yesterday? Here's the first move.

Sure any school can schedule more home games today, but they pay for it when scheduling patsies. In the new league the winners are rewarded the extra home game for free, plus get all the incremental gate and concession and other revenue, while the losers get an away game.
This is what the Athletic had as the initial proposal.

Ohio St and that entire Midwest region makes zero sense.
Having Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan schools grouped together makes sense and Iowa schools, Nebraska, and Wisconsin in another group also works. Mixing OSU in with Iowa, ISU, Neb., Wisc., and Minn. does not make sense.

Since the powers that be are trying to have each division have a marquee team and then go down from there, I am almost tempted to switch Mich., MSU, and NW for OSU, Iowa, and ISU, so that things could be split into Northern and Southern Midwest divisions, but Iowa and ISU probably want to play Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wisconsin instead.

Any idea how cross-divisional games might work? Play 5x games in division and then 7x games outside of the division, likely playing a team for 7x different divisions. I'd prefer to play Iowa, ISU, and Wisconsin regularly.

those are not “powers that be”
they are guys with NO POWER

that “proposal” is a joke .you are wasting time thinking it has more than a snowballs chance in hell of going anywhere