College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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This whole deep tournament run rationale for running a coach out of town is ridiculous. You don't judge a guy's total value by 2 games unless you're Kentucky, Duke, Kansas....the blue bloods. If we were consistently in the bottom half of the conference, not making the tournament, recruiting like garbage, etc....fine. Since when has our program been a Sweet 16 or bust program. Over the last 30 years, how many times have we been to the Sweet 16? You're going to hold a guy who's turned the entire program around from basement to Big Ten contender year in and year out to those standards?? Stop.
Do you believe post season success matters at all?

Look, let me preface this by saying I'm a BU guy. I'd like for him to stay til he retires.

But this mentality of comparing BU's tenure to our worst stretch in modern history and using that as a reason for why he's untouchable, is sad. Yes, he's done a fantastic job of getting us out of the hole dug by JG and BW but that doesn't mean his job is done.

When people say, "Do you remember the JG and BW years? BU has been way better. ", it makes me think of a person coming home from work and telling their spouse they've had a lousy day and their spouse saying, "Yeah, but do you remember the day the dog died? Have some perspective. Stop complaining."

Why are we using JG and BW as the standard to which we measure our coaches?

To answer your question, in the last 30 years we've been to the S16 four times despite dealing with the Bruce Pearl fallout, the late BW and JG years and BUs rebuild years. I'd say we've been closer to our floor than our ceiling in average during that time.

And sorry, this rant isn't all directed at your post, it's just a petpeve of mine when people act like we're not a top 20 program just because we had a couple bad HC hires. We ARE a top 20 program. We should be in the second weekend multiple times per decade. I don't think that's unreasonable.

And I still say BU can get us there IF he's committed to it.
Wow I thought this was the off-season. There is no off season at a high profile D1 program though.

Loving your guys’ thoughts, news and wild speculation.

Got this to add for perspective: The UW (Washington), where I am located and in daily contact with multiple alums, just extended their mens’ HC who has not made the NCAA in 4 years. His Huskies went 16-16 this year. Coach Hopkins was hired the same year as Underwood and for the first two seasons was a consistent winner; winning Pac-12 Coach of the Year twice.

He’s had 1 winning season (17-15) since. And then they re-hired him. I’ve been comparing him to Groce a lot lately.

And the kicker? Most of my alum friends don’t really care that much. As long as Husky Football is solid thats all that matters.

Just some perspective for you all. UWashington is so not a basketball school it hurts to watch.

Be grateful for what JW and BU have done, but ultimately be happy we matter, because its on us to keep it this way ultimately.
Is there a possibility Terry does well enough in the tournament, Texas offers him, but some other school outbids them (possibly to Del Conte’s desire) and he goes elsewhere?
Great post NEILLINIFAN..............You might have the defining answer to this situation.....and your theory of not knowing what he doesn't know can be forwarded to the thinking of Illini Nation......I wish I knew more aboot BU and JW's relationship......But I don't ......
That's why I put so much stock into what 0440 , Indy , Lville and DB11Headband share with us , as they know more than we do , for sure.....

Maybe BU thinks he needs to make up for lost time as an assistant for so many years........for me that's tough to swallow with him being the #8 th highest paid coach in college BB......( thats what i believe is the consensus here)..........and no matter how you slice it , sniffing around gives off a feeling of not fully bought in at UI...........I would think all those years as an assistant would lead BU to KNOW what he has here with Fighting Illini...........

I really think BU was blindsided by something and that caused him to back way up from his earlier coaching style......the fact that some shared that he has sniffed around since he got here is what disturbs me the most......and I don't blame anyone for wanting to enhance their income ,etc.......

I guess we shall see as time goes on and if we need to read the dominos falling or if it's staus quo for all brings out a lot of good opinions and also some not so good opinions....

In other words , just another typical day in the life of a Loyalty poster and Illini Nation in general.....I love it or I wouldn't be here...
I really really wouldn't .....................
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Below are my feelings posted at the very end of the previous thread for those that may have not seen them. We have a few insiders whose info has proven dead on in the past and hence the “Brad may be looking assumptions” I believe would be very credible hearsay. I was all in with Brad, realizing his experience leading at the P5 was limited, and willing to watch him grow and develop as he bled all Illini. Dream job, finish career here, best job in college bball, etc.,etc. It doesn’t appear his heart is where his words are. Does he really need more money? If circumstances have changed and he is looking for an out, I’m ok with that, I just don’t think we owe him anything and should have to ride it out on his terms. I’ll ride with Josh on this one.

Previous thread:

“I would think it’s much simpler to consider it in a different light. How about your girlfriend is flirting with a bunch of different guys and you’ve been told, by a reliable source, that she said she would definitely be interested in cheating on you and would break it off with you afterwards. At the same time, you’re told that a really good looking woman is very interested in you. She is more attractive in many ways and brings a different look and possibly more to the table. Oh, and she is willing to make a long term commitment to only you. Do you sit and wait for the inevitable separation to happen or do you move forward on your terms. Of course you know my answer. If the other woman isn’t available, maybe you put up with the ho (sorry, couldn’t think of a nice word) until something better comes along. That is how the male ego works!”

And to note, Josh has showered Brad with everything imaginable (praise, facilities, raises, resources, NIL dollars, etc) and he / his people are not all in with us. Sorry, Brad has brought this upon himself if interest in other programs is accurate. Didn’t Brad say the MOST important thing when seeking out players was “we want guys that want to be here”? Hmmm. What’s the difference?
When people say, "Do you remember the JG and BW years? BU has been way better. ", it makes me think of a person coming home from work and telling their spouse they've had a lousy day and their spouse saying, "Yeah, but do you remember the day the dog died? Have some perspective. Stop complaining."

You’re missing a key component in that analogy. In our scenario, the person comes home, tells his or her spouse about the lousy day, then proceeds to offer a variety of anecdotes and figures — some valid, most not — that this was the lousiest day EVER… bar none!! The spouse then reminds the person about the day the dog died.

The spouse IS the perspective.
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I have given careful consideration to the often repeated fact that BU did a lot more sitting on the bench than usual AFTER the blow up with Mr, Epps that was shown on that fateful national broadcast .......And it seems to me that JW possibly did bring up said sequence with BU......Maybe JW mentioned that he was getting heat from the boosters or the NIL people or whoever and it looked like BU lost a lot of bluster to his coaching style.......

BU might be the one butt-hurt , because some reins had been pulled in on him.......Seems like he had carte-blanche after that first extension that , IMO , he earned completely........

Maybe it was JW who was butt-hurt from the signs of BU and agent still sniffing around other head coaching positions .......JW is the best AD in my lifetime that I can remember here at UI........He had a full plate authority and expectations and he knows he can't turn his back on the boosters , donors and NIL collectives as that is the $$$$$$$ life blood of future improvements he wants to make.......

I don't think I have said anything disrespectful aboot BU and if I did , then I apologize to BU and to this board.......

But here's the dilemma as I see it..........Has JW lost confidence in BU and his style of coaching ......has JW decided that he has seen BU's ceiling ??.....Was the terrible scene with BU and JE the final straw ?? the annual rumor's of BU and agent sniffing around the second emotion to the last straw theory ??

The other side of the dilemma that I don't understand is why is BU sniffing around .....Yeah , I know about all the facts and protecting your income stream , but I thought BU was set up for life at his " Dream Job " with a " Dream AD "
with " Dream facilities " or was I dreaming all that.......

Bottom line is something is not right with the Illini MBB program.......I hope a meeting of the minds happens instead of burt-hurt decisions being made .....I just want some smooth , calm , long play in the dance and that elusive natty proudly displayed there at the UI.......

Is that asking too much ?????I don't think it is ..........I really really don't........BTW , I want the Chief back while I'm asking for stuff...

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Great post. It seems like over the last few years Brad has had issues with a few players. Griffin a few years ago, Curbelo last year, Epps this year and I do not think we know what RJ did to get in the dog house. Pru may be right, there could be something not right here, not to point blame, but JW may want to look at the drama and think that this could be the ceiling for Brad. I dont think we will ever know if true but this year, something was not right. Players tuning him out, players expecting more PT, who knows but I have never seen a season like this in my lifetime of Illinois basketball. I hope all this can get worked out as I like Brad and I like JW. If there is an issue, I wish they can work it out in the coming weeks if not days. It’s hard enough with the NIL and the portal to have any un-necessary drama within the BB program.
I just know Del Conte does not want to hire Terry and that Del Conte is a bit crazy

The other problem Del Conte faces is $$. Terry doesn’t have the experience or track record to deserve big dollars. Texas is a big dollar job and Del Conte will get accused of low balling him when he really doesn’t deserve it. He loses either way, keep him or not…. Jmo
Let the coaching carousel conspiracy begin:

Texas > Coach Cal
UK > Tang
K-State > Underwood
Illinois > ??

I fully believe Underwood is here until K-State opens up. Texas will retain RT for one season and UK will wait until after next season to make the Coach Cal decision, it’s a crucial year for him. 2023-24 is a pivotal season for a lot of programs (retirements, coaching changes, etc), and I expect the carousel to be extremely fluid then, not so much this offseason.
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The other problem Del Conte faces is $$. Terry doesn’t have the experience or track record to deserve big dollars. Texas is a big dollar job and Del Conte will get accused of low balling him when he really doesn’t deserve it. He loses either way, keep him or not…. Jmo
It's been said before but Del Conte (crazy or not) is in a pretty no win situation.
You’re missing a key component in that analogy. In our scenario, the person comes home, tells his or her spouse about the lousy day, then proceeds to offer a variety of anecdotes and figures — some valid, most not — that this was the lousiest day EVER… bar none!! The spouse then reminds the person about the day the dog died.

The spouse IS the perspective.
Season 3 Episode 304 GIF by Rick and Morty
Well when other schools start reaching out to your interim coach then all of a sudden YOUR interim coach becomes a lot more attractive to the AD and some $ heavy hitting alumni $. Now they are fighting to keep him. Winning does a lot.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Texas may be looking at RT’s previous stints which have not been good. If you are the Texas AD, you look at a very good Texas team that he took over. Can he sustain it? RT has not been in this situation before where he inherited a team who loses players going into next year. It’s a hard decision for the Texas AD to make. Does he want to make a big splash or take a chance on RT? UT is a high profile school who is moving to a new conference. When you have Bama, Ark, Kentucky, TAMU, and Tennessee, which has solid coaches, Texas might want to get a guy who is just as good. The Texas job will be the first domino to fall. Once they decide, it will dictate when and where the next one falls. Could be like the UNC, KU and Illinois saga in 2003.
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