Chicago Cubs 2019 Season

Matt you didn't disappoint me. I expected you to jump in.
I would be shocked if Sanberg were seriously considered. He’s an old fashioned, red-assed, non-analytics kind of guy. Totally not the management’s type of guy.

Joe Girardi is another guy in the same vein that you’ll hear people suggest as a candidate that would shock me if he were hired for the same reason.

Is red-assed bad? To me, the non-analytics is more of an issue than the red-assed behavior.
Is red-assed bad? To me, the non-analytics is more of an issue than the red-assed behavior.

It’s not necessarily bad. It’s just not Epstein’s and Hoyer’s style. Look at all the managers they’ve hired in Boston, San Diego and Chicago. Sveum might be the exception, but that didn’t last very long at all.

I think a Sandberg or Girardi hire would signal a fundamental shift in how Epstein and co are doing business. One could argue that such a shift is desirable, but I think from hearing Epstein talk that they think they need to get back to what made them successful rather than go a whole new direction.

So for better or worse, I think you’re going to see someone who is essentially a cipher for how the front office wants to do things, and who doesn’t have a whole heck of a lot of personality.

ETA - if they want to bring in anybody who knows how to do whatever the Astros are doing - especially with player development and pitching game planning - I’m 100% down with that.
I'm with you there.

That said, I'm continuing on the Joe Espada train, but also hitching a car for Raul Ibañez.

I saw that Ibanez is one who will most likely get an interview (from Internally, it's Loretta, Ross and Venable.

And the one person who's in the playoffs.
ETA - if they want to bring in anybody who knows how to do whatever the Astros are doing - especially with player development and pitching game planning - I’m 100% down with that.

Without a doubt. They could have a dynasty going. Living in Houston, it's pretty interesting to watch. Will be interesting to see what happens when all the young guys hit free agency.
I saw that Ibanez is one who will most likely get an interview (from Internally, it's Loretta, Ross and Venable.

And the one person who's in the playoffs.

I tend to be leery of internal hires. Voices who carry an external perspective who share values/philosophies of the front office are who I prefer. Nothing against the characters of Ross, Loretta, or Venable, but their firsthand intimacy with the organization steers me away. At least from the manager position.
I tend to be leery of internal hires. Voices who carry an external perspective who share values/philosophies of the front office are who I prefer. Nothing against the characters of Ross, Loretta, or Venable, but their firsthand intimacy with the organization steers me away. At least from the manager position.

Don't disagree with this.
Don't disagree with this.

How could Theo hire one of the guys on Maddon's staff? What's Loretta, et. al. going to say, "Maddon couldn't light a fire under these guys and I just sat back and did nothing, but I'll kick these guys in the rear if I get hired!" :noidea:
How could Theo hire one of the guys on Maddon's staff? What's Loretta, et. al. going to say, "Maddon couldn't light a fire under these guys and I just sat back and did nothing, but I'll kick these guys in the rear if I get hired!" :noidea:

Or maybe he'll say,
"Sounds like a winning plan, boss."
"I'll get right on writing out the official lineup just like the one you passed me now."
"Our roster is perfect, Theo. Absolutely no gaps anywhere!"
Hands down my top choice for the manager's position.

In related news, they interviewed Gabe Kapler today. Does anyone have any semblance as to why?

One suggestion that was floated was that it was a way to help Kapler out. Like a "Oh look, we're interested in this guy. You all should be too." kind of thing.

I think I heard that Theo hired him as a minor league coach a while back.
One suggestion that was floated was that it was a way to help Kapler out. Like a "Oh look, we're interested in this guy. You all should be too." kind of thing.

I think I heard that Theo hired him as a minor league coach a while back.

Kapler was Director of Player Development for the Dodgers from 2014 to 2017. Look at the players they brought up from the minors during those years. Guarantee that’s why he got the interview.