Chicago Bears 2024

I will wait until after the game to release my official statement. But I can give you a hint right now of what I might say: it appears the Bears stink again. Hope not.
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Guy on Marquee Sports post-game just called Bears win "colossal". Did I hear that right? Gonna send him a dictionary or thesaurus. But as Steven Wright asked: "What's another word for thesaurus?"

Have a great evening everybody.
People need to have some perspective with Williams. Pretty much every projection for his numbers that I’ve seen have him putting up one of the best 3 or 5 seasons in the history of rookie QBs.

The entire list in the history of the NFL of 22 year old starting QBs having a great season is YA Tittle, Dan Marino, Ben Roethlisberger and CJ Stroud. And the two guys in the middle didn’t even become starters until a few games into the season.