Brad Underwood Intro Press Conference

Man, some of these questions. "How important is it to develop relationships with coaches?" What's he supposed to say? "Nah, HS coaches are dumb."
this is not the venue for hard-hitting questions

1) All they're looking for is quotes on subjects he didn't cover in his statement

2) It doesn't behoove any reporter to press a coach day 1
I expect the reporters to keep lobbing him softballs today. But I'd like to know about Jamall Walker as much as the next guy.
"He got his mother's body" just what every 19ish year old college student wants said about them on television haha.
Very impressive IMO. I liked that he is focused finding his players, not just going off ranking and how many stars they are rated.
Liked hearing about his offensive philosophy. Defenses are weak in the first 7 seconds, so get out and run. If it's not there, make the defense work and get a good shot late in the shot clock. :clappy:
Did anybody besides me love JW's put down of reporters quoting unnamed, informed sources? Think he said something like those reports were dead wrong.
Whitman on the radio: "His name was always at the top of our list [even before we knew he was available]."

Interesting. Not sure whether or not to believe, but interesting.
^ that's what I'm inclined to take away from it.

EDIT: oh snap, somebody finally asked Whitman about Walker point-blank. Sounds like JW has "recommended" Walker be on the staff, but that it's ultimately Underwood's decision. Talking about how he's trying to give Underwood a generous staff salary pool.
Whitman: I am operating under the assumption that [our commits] will continue to play for the University of Illinois unless we hear otherwise.

Saying this after registering some surprise and appreciation at how TF handled the regime change on Twitter.
Just to make people feel even better, everyone knows now that there were other programs who reached out to BWood.
He only made time for Illinois. ;)