2024 Chicago White Sox



and not Nebraska
In spite of their short comings, what Jose and Tim brought is what is missing from this team. All things must pass. Hopefully these 100 loss seasons are soon a distant past. 2026 or 27, i fear.
In spite of their short comings, what Jose and Tim brought is what is missing from this team. All things must pass. Hopefully these 100 loss seasons are soon a distant past. 2026 or 27, i fear.

Jose brought the leadership. Tim brought the swagger. The current Sox team has neither leadership nor swagger. But they are extremely well-paid for their poor performance this season.

White Sox History Watch Update

The 1932 Season for the White Sox is so far the worst single season for the franchise. Finishing 49-102 for a winning (?) percentage of .325.

Here’s how the 2024 White Sox compare to that dreadful 1932 team...

After 89 Games

1932 – 31 wins, 58 losses

2024 – 25 wins, 64 losses

So the current White Sox at this point in the Season are 6 games (worse) than the worst Sox team of all time.

And should Crochet and/or Roberts be moved before the deadline... the 2024 record could sink even further from here.
Hey Sage…..depressing as it is keep up the updates…..

I will.

It’s not about trying to be negative or finding a dark cloud. It’s that the only thing this Sox season has going for it is – History... where this season is going to rank among the well-over one hundred year history of the Sox. It’s a measuring stick.

1970 was also a terrible year for the Sox. In some ways, worse than this one now as there is some young talent now showing up on the Sox in 2024. After 1970 new leadership came in and the Sox turned it around and by 1972 had Dick Allen and became somewhat of a divisional contender. They slipped backward again... but had that magical year of the ‘77 South Side Hit Men (before sliding back AGAIN).

Same thing happened again in 2005. One great year for a fine Sox ball club... before slipping backwards yet again right after that.

The Sox had great ball clubs from the early Fifties through 1967 and they ruled Chicago. When the Sox slipped backwards in 1968, the North Siders began to take over and the Sox have been playing catch-up ever since.

But true Sox fans are always there no matter what. Not even pathetic ownership over the years dulls the love for this ball club.