The mascot debate

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Blocky the I or nothing.
I might have to consider re-enrolling as a student to get a campus movement going.

But really, Blocky the I checks many boxes:

1. Not the same old animal like everyone else has such as a bird, tiger, lion, bear, etc.
2. No Native American likeness so would have no issues on that front
3. Extension of an existing logo, the Block I, so would have instant familiarity
4. No need to change the Fighting Illini name, fits right in
5. A bit of an evil side gives him an edge, and sets the stage for some crazy and entertaining hijinks (imagine a staredown between Fran and Blocky)
what I like about Alma Otter: 1) while not unique, the Alma Mater statute is an important part of our experience (when our games are televised, they almost always show our Alma Mater statue,) 2) Alma Otter is clever. 3) it fits into the rodent (ish) theme of many of our traditional B10 schools: wolverines, badgers, gophers. (And otters are way cooler than any of those.)
Absolute abomination
I might have to consider re-enrolling as a student to get a campus movement going.

But really, Blocky the I checks many boxes:

1. Not the same old animal like everyone else has such as a bird, tiger, lion, bear, etc.
2. No Native American likeness so would have no issues on that front
3. Extension of an existing logo, the Block I, so would have instant familiarity
4. No need to change the Fighting Illini name, fits right in
5. A bit of an evil side gives him an edge, and sets the stage for some crazy and entertaining hijinks (imagine a staredown between Fran and Blocky)
The more people talk about Blocky, the bigger fan I become tbh. Blocky would also check similar boxes as the goofy but endearing mascots like Otto the Orange at Syracuse, Big Red (who knows what he is) at Western Kentucky, the blue blob at Xavier, etc. It’d also prevent the idea that a mascot would require us to change the name from Fighting Illini like you mentioned. I don’t believe it’s the intention, but there’s people both for and against Kingfisher that believe part of the plan with it would be to become the Kingfishers instead of Illini. Blocky obviously leaves no room for that misinterpretation.

Not personally a fan of Kingfisher because there’s just too many bird mascots around the country as is. Plus people treat it too seriously like it’s supposed to be some badass mascot. The soldier ideas aren’t lighthearted enough to really work well either imo. I can’t imagine a soldier mascot playing games with kids and conducting the band the way something lighthearted and fun like Blocky would be able to do.
If we have to change, it has to be something like this:
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Any sort of animal is outrageous
All my least favorite mascots in sports are the human ones like the boilermaker or the cornhusker. Some of the best pro sports mascots are also the weirdest like the Philly Fanatic, Gritty, and the Phoenix Suns gorilla
The more people talk about Blocky, the bigger fan I become tbh. Blocky would also check similar boxes as the goofy but endearing mascots like Otto the Orange at Syracuse, Big Red (who knows what he is) at Western Kentucky, the blue blob at Xavier, etc. It’d also prevent the idea that a mascot would require us to change the name from Fighting Illini like you mentioned. I don’t believe it’s the intention, but there’s people both for and against Kingfisher that believe part of the plan with it would be to become the Kingfishers instead of Illini. Blocky obviously leaves no room for that misinterpretation.

Not personally a fan of Kingfisher because there’s just too many bird mascots around the country as is. Plus people treat it too seriously like it’s supposed to be some badass mascot. The soldier ideas aren’t lighthearted enough to really work well either imo. I can’t imagine a soldier mascot playing games with kids and conducting the band the way something lighthearted and fun like Blocky would be able to do.
Somebody just needs to make a Blocky costume and go to a bunch of games. Sorta like how the Stanford Tree took root (see what I did there?).
To summarize where I think we are:

1) We have no mascot and have never had a mascot. The Chief was not a mascot. Those that are too young to remember the Chief--like current students--or are generally uninformed may not realize this.

2) There seems* to be overwhelming support to keep the name Fighting Illini (*Among this group and likely the overwhelming majority of Alumni not sure about current students).

3) IF the Chief is never coming back AND the name Fighting Illini is not going away THEN even many die hard Chief supporters wouldn't object to some sort of mascot, silly or otherwise.

If the university and perhaps the Board of Trustees even would come out strongly on #2 then #3 would be less of an issue. If we must have a mascot I prefer a something that springs up organically instead of being determined by some institutionalized approach like a vote held by the Student Government Association.
All my least favorite mascots in sports are the human ones like the boilermaker or the cornhusker. Some of the best pro sports mascots are also the weirdest like the Philly Fanatic, Gritty, and the Phoenix Suns gorilla
I think because they make those mascots look like a cartoon. The WVU Musketeer isn't cartoonish and I think it is cool. Bring us a soldier and make him serious like the Chief. Then we bring the war chant back. One man's dream I suppose.
If we must have a mascot I prefer a something that springs up organically
The window for a mascot to spring up organically closed around 1910.

And someday every last one of the Native American based nicknames will be gone. Indeed, as more disappear, that will only focus the pressure on the few that remain.

And whatever nickname, imagery, branding, or mascot that is eventually implanted to fill the void will be contrived and hated by almost everyone. It’s just the way these things go, every time. Just look at any organization, professional or collegiate, who moved on from a Native American nickname. The thing that replaced it is never “organic” or embraced by the fans.

That’s why I think the best thing to do is just forget the whole thing. Just be Illinois. Forget nicknames and mascots altogether. Be a 21st century trendsetter in our own right by just ditching the whole nickname/mascot concept.
The window for a mascot to spring up organically closed around 1910.

And someday every last one of the Native American based nicknames will be gone. Indeed, as more disappear, that will only focus the pressure on the few that remain.

And whatever nickname, imagery, branding, or mascot that is eventually implanted to fill the void will be contrived and hated by almost everyone. It’s just the way these things go, every time. Just look at any organization, professional or collegiate, who moved on from a Native American nickname. The thing that replaced it is never “organic” or embraced by the fans.

That’s why I think the best thing to do is just forget the whole thing. Just be Illinois. Forget nicknames and mascots altogether. Be a 21st century trendsetter in our own right by just ditching the whole nickname/mascot concept.
If we can't do Blocky the I, I'm not opposed to this.
The window for a mascot to spring up organically closed around 1910.

And someday every last one of the Native American based nicknames will be gone. Indeed, as more disappear, that will only focus the pressure on the few that remain.

And whatever nickname, imagery, branding, or mascot that is eventually implanted to fill the void will be contrived and hated by almost everyone. It’s just the way these things go, every time. Just look at any organization, professional or collegiate, who moved on from a Native American nickname. The thing that replaced it is never “organic” or embraced by the fans.

That’s why I think the best thing to do is just forget the whole thing. Just be Illinois. Forget nicknames and mascots altogether. Be a 21st century trendsetter in our own right by just ditching the whole nickname/mascot concept.
Hmmmm, where does the name "Illinois" come from? Asking for a friend.
Meh. Nothing is going to be a "replacement" for the chief, so anything too dignified is really a negative for me. You wanna try to replace the chief in my heart? I bristle at any effort to do that. Now, you wanna try something in a different direction? I'll listen (but I still ain't too keen.)
Ya know what? Upon refection, I would probably sign off on anything that BB honestly thinks will help improve our football team. I just can't imagine that he thinks a kingfisher mascot would do that.
I still do not understand if groups of people should not be “mascots”, then why are Native Americans the only group affected. If it’s so wrong then all should be banned. I don’t agree with this idea. For example, Spartans, Cornhuskers, Hoosiers, Trojans, Cowboys, Sooners, Boilermakers, Fighting Irish, etc… And yes even Seminoles. You shouldn’t be able to buy your way out of “racism.” As an Illini fan for over 50 years, the Chief was one of the best traditions in all of college sports. Opposing fans would stop in their tracks to watch his dance. If the dance was such a big deal, at least they should have let the Chief stand at midfield or half court. I’ll never accept this stupid idea of a kingfisher or otter or other unrelated mascot. I could get behind some sort of soldier, which is where we get Fighting Illini from. Long live the Chief.
Big 10 has some great unique mascots
- Badgers
- Wolverines
- Gophers
- Hawkeyes
- Cornhuskers
- Boilermakers
- Hoosiers (what is one?)
- Buckeyes
- Terrapins

Some mediocre ones that are very common
- Spartans
- Wildcats
- Nittany Lions (another Lions)
- Scarlet Knight (another Knights) -
- Trojans (less common than Spartans)
- Bruins (another Bear)

No idea where Illini which is not related to the Chief Illiniwek falls. Feels like we are a LEGO character if we go with the block I

Big 10 has some great unique mascots
- Badgers
- Wolverines
- Gophers
- Hawkeyes
- Cornhuskers
- Boilermakers
- Hoosiers (what is one?)
- Buckeyes
- Terrapins

Some mediocre ones that are very common
- Spartans
- Wildcats
- Nittany Lions (another Lions)
- Scarlet Knight (another Knights) -
- Trojans (less common than Spartans)
- Bruins (another Bear)

No idea where Illini which is not related to the Chief Illiniwek falls. Feels like we are a LEGO character if we go with the block I

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I'm telling ya, add a gold monocle, jeweled cane, dashing top hat, a couple of eyes, arms, and legs, along with a sharp mousatche & goatee to boot, and you pal got yourself one hell of a mascot.
I'm telling ya, add a gold monocle, jeweled cane, dashing top hat, a couple of eyes, arms, and legs, along with a sharp mousatche & goatee to boot, and you pal got yourself one hell of a mascot.

what I like about Alma Otter: 1) while not unique, the Alma Mater statute is an important part of our experience (when our games are televised, they almost always show our Alma Mater statue,) 2) Alma Otter is clever. 3) it fits into the rodent (ish) theme of many of our traditional B10 schools: wolverines, badgers, gophers. (And otters are way cooler than any of those.)
team america vomit GIF

From anyone who suggests such a thing, Illinois Loyalty should demand that you list for the board each of the following before being allowed to post again:

(1) our next 5 targeted offensive line recruiting targets, in order of preference, including their strengths and weaknesses in both the run and passing games

(2) consolidated analyses from at least 15 NBA scouts (both past and current) who can explain to us the talent required to accurately predict that kids like Kendall Gill in 1986 are going develop the skills, basketball IQ, and physical athletic ability to enjoy 16-year NBA careers

(3) 10-page dissertations on each of the following ----Tepper, Turner, Zook, Beckman and Lovie Smith ---- outlining why each was thought to have at the the time of their hiring that certain "it" that we're now seeing from Bret Bielema. Please include sit-down interviews with the AD's who did the hiring.
a bad azz young Abe Lincoln, ala the Vampire Hunter Abe , has been my suggestion for a couple years
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