Peoria...what's it like? Good place to live/work?



Nappanee, IN
I have a potential job opportunity in Peoria and was wondering what life is like there? I've heard it's pretty affordable. Good night life? Good recreation? Safe? Before I pull the trigger I'd like to know as much as I can. Will probably venture that way for a weekend and explore.
I grew up in towns nearby. Metamora and Washington. We were in Peoria nearly every day. I loved it. But then that was the 60's and 70's. I still have a lot of family in the area. It's a great place.
I lived/worked there for 10 years before I left for a new job and moved out of state. I go back from time to time still. Since I've been gone for so long (8 years) I can't give you the details really anymore but I can tell you that its a fun town. A little dirty, a little run down, high property taxes (youre in IL after all)...but safe for the most part, VERY affordable housing compared to lots of places. There are usually lots of younger folks there due to CAT and Bradley and Komatsu (amongst other things), which means there's decent bars downtown. Some concerts roll through the Civic Center, decent restaurants....all in all a good place to live. A great place? For me probably no. Would I move back? Sure - if I was getting paid what I am now, but I doubt that would happen.


Great area. Visited often way back from Rockford.

THEN: Peoria Chiefs (when Cubs' affiliate), Spirit of Peoria riverboat, other things.

THEN AND NOW: Peoria Chiefs (but Cardinals, ick!), Wildlife Prairie Park, Jim's Steak House!, nice golf courses

Great memories! All those Peorians who played at U of I!

Overall I give Peoria a B+.

(Except for Asian carp in the Illinois River.)
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I worked in PIA for 20 years, but choose to live in Bloomington-Normal
PIA is affordable, many people choose to live in small towns around PIA to make it more affordable
It certainly not the dining and recreational capital of the world, it is Central Illinois.
The Assembly Hall and Memorial Stadium re about a 2 hour drive from PIA
If i had to reside in Central Illinois I would select, Champaign, Bloomington and than Peoria
All three cities are relatively safe.
One Casino in PIA
Boating opportunities on the river
Winters are long in Central ilinois
Easy to get Bradley University basketball tickets, but than who would want to. :)
All three cities have exceptional community colleges.
I was born there but moved away at a young age. However, we have gone back so much over the years, and it holds a special place in my heart. I’ll say three things that I feel aren’t highlighted enough when discussing Peoria:

1. For Central Illinois, it’s actually quite scenic. Lots of trees, hills and the river, of course. For me, that is a huge plus.

2. It’s incredibly segregated. Peoria has some really bad places, but it also has QUITE a lot of wealth, at least from my experience. For example, my wife is from the Quad Cities, and I bet overall their “community statistics” are better than Peoria’s … but Peoria has a bit more of a white collar, slightly nicer feel to me than (a very comparable on paper) Davenport or Rockford.

3. Building off of those two points, I feel Peoria is the type of place where if you spent 48 hours there with two totally different people showing you around, you’d get a totally different impression. If someone took you downtown for a Chiefs game and dinner at Thyme (HIGHLY recommend!!) in the newly revamped Warehouse District nearby, and then the next day you went for a walk on Grand View Drive, went shopping and got lunch out at Grand Prairie and got dinner at one of the newer restaurants in Peoria Heights, I think you’d come away thinking Peoria seemed really, really nice and surprisingly “upscale” for a mid-sized industrial city. Conversely, if you stayed in a crappier area for work or a soccer tournament or something and got a quick bite at the nearest fast food place and left town … I’m sure you’d think it was a “dump” or whatever.

One thing I can say for sure?? While recognizing its problems and the obstacles it faces in today’s economic climate, I absolutely love Peoria, and the people there are some of the best around! FWIW, my mom got her master’s in Bloomington while we lived in Peoria … this was a long time ago, but she said Bloomington was probably objectively nicer but seemed a bit more bland and boring and had less character as a community.