What would you do to improve Memorial Stadium?

Small improvements: I think the ones that Whitman said would come in the next few years at the 2023 media round table are all the ones I'd say we really need. Those being improved wifi and cell service, new scoreboard, upgrading to LED lights, and a new sound system, and IIRC, the sound system is meant to be stadium-wide as opposed to the two big speakers on the scoreboard. The current sound setup I have to imagine sucks for the people in the horseshoe with how loud the speakers need to be so it can be heard in the north end of the stadium. The only issue I can see with any of these is insiders have talked about the DIA locking down funds until they know how to move forward with revenue sharing, and if that freezes money for assistant coach extensions, I imagine it also freezes money meant to go to small improvements like these that aren't absolutely necessary (like the refurbishment of the East balcony supports). Iirc the work on the east balcony that occurred this summer was the first part of the improvements announced at the 2023 round table, and the next part was probably the wifi upgrades. So while all of these are supposed to be coming, who knows if they're going to be here any time soon.

Big upgrades: The big one we essentially need and has been talked to death on here whenever the topic comes up is fixing the SEZ. In a perfect world, I think we should build what we initially announced around 2017. That rendering would fix every issue we currently have with the horseshoe. It was tall, encompassing, closed in the SEZ vertically as well as in the corners, and most importantly IMO, would bring the wall as close or closer to the field than the NEZ is (one of the best aspects of NEZ actually). We don't live in a perfect world tho so I'll happily take a scaled-down version (which is probably what we would have gotten 5 years ago anyway). Something like what Iowa did with Kinnick recently is probably more realistic and achievable. We would just need to make a bigger version imo. Iowa's is pretty small because they had such little space to work with. We could probably fit two of what Iowa built in the space between the back of the endzone and Kirby and still have space left over. While we're at, make the south tunnel a bit of a cooler entrance for the band, both for their "new" pregame entrance and for when they enter and exit the stadium. There's a lot of schools that have really cool tunnel areas that create a really cool entrance for the band, and if we're renovating the horseshoe, might as well give the Marching Illini the coolest tunnel in at least the Big 10.

Another small, but worthwhile renovation to have would be to have the east and west mains mirror each other. Like Flighter mentioned, that gives us more wiggle room to add more seats in a SEZ renovation, but we could also add a big premium section on that side of the field for the same reason they would be in a SEZ renovation. It could be essentially a second Collenades Club or it it could just be more private suites, but we should make use of that space if we remove the seats rather than just leaving it empty. Removing the seats under the overhang also removes the need for the massive ramps in the East Hall opening up that space to give it similar upgrades to what have been made in the West Hall over the years.

The NEZ structure itself isn't as big of an issue as people like to make it out to be imo, but I do think it can be utilized far better than as the student section. I've liked a "family area" concept that I believe Flighter has mentioned, but I think if you really wanted to go all out, I think turning it into a standing-room-only food and drink area, similar to the setups become super popular in MLB stadiums might be a really good use. I'm thinking something similar to what Indiana has on one end. That being said, this should be the very last thing on any list of renovations. It isn't perfect how it is right now, but it's far from hurting the stadium and our gameday experience in any way.

Exactly this.

And please fix the first few rows of the east and east stands, it’s nuts that we have a tarp over them. Rip them out and push the wall back, plant shrubs there, lower the field or do whatever to fix those rows.
Exactly this.

And please fix the first few rows of the east and east stands, it’s nuts that we have a tarp over them. Rip them out and push the wall back, plant shrubs there, lower the field or do whatever to fix those rows.
Lowering the field is the answer there IMO. A lot of people say to lower the field to add closer seats, but the wall is already pretty close to the field on the sidelines (about as close as most new stadiums being built), but that first row is just at field level and impossible to see the field well. Lower the field, keep the seats in the same place, and just make the wall, and first row higher up from the field. They're tarped for a good reason, but you don't want there to be a good reason to tarp any seats.
Bring back the pisswall in the Horseshoe.

They updated the bathrooms in the Horseshoe and removed 75% of the places to piss in the men's room. The old design was way more efficient. Sure, it was not nice but I just want to pee and get back to my seats.
Lowering the field is the answer there IMO. A lot of people say to lower the field to add closer seats, but the wall is already pretty close to the field on the sidelines (about as close as most new stadiums being built), but that first row is just at field level and impossible to see the field well. Lower the field, keep the seats in the same place, and just make the wall, and first row higher up from the field. They're tarped for a good reason, but you don't want there to be a good reason to tarp any seats.
Been studied and they say lowering the field is a no go. Too high of water table.
The weight room is under the NEZ. So there are windows that provide natural light from the stadium to the weight room on the sides of the Zupke Field sign. So seats would block those unless they were put up and taken down for each game.
1. Not anymore, the new, better weight room is in the Smith Center next door (they said they would try to repurpose the NEZ facilities for other sports, but I don't know if that has happened)

2. The big windows that were in the old weight room faced out toward the little alleyway behind the ARC, not the field. Those windows on the field lead to a lounge area they used to host recruits in, not sure how much they're still using that with the new facility.
Being the STEM school Illinois is, how poor cell service and wifi service is during games is honestly crazy. Grianger can't have some students fix it as a project??
They would need more cell towers and better throughput for the WiFi. You can't just add more access points or towers because the backend is still congested. You are only adding more on ramps to an already backed up highway. The sheer volume of devices makes it nearly impossible to provide a decent experience.

Most free WiFi is a way to get your email or data from you. It's not there to be a great service provider. Now they have your device connected to an email account, and they see you attend maybe one game a year, and now their goal is to sell you on going to one more. That's how personalized advertising works.

Source: I've set this up for multiple businesses/facilities.
It’s not for basketball, but letting an entire visiting section and a visiting band sit literally closer to the game than our own students and band at Memorial Stadium is mind bogglingly problematic. I truly am not lying when I say that from my seat in West Main, the Purdue fan section and marching band in East Main was way louder than our student section and band … all because of where we choose to sit both.

Someone else brought up basketball so that's why I mentioned it.

The student section and band in one of the end zones isn't uncommon though. Off the top of my head, I think Oklahoma State, Wisky, and Ohio State do it. I don't know offhand where they normally place the opposing fans and their bands at.
Isn't it normally the players' families and big $$$ boosters that sit behind the opposing team's bench? I think that's pretty common for most college hoops arenas. I don't think it's really that big of an issue having them sit there.
Slightly off topic since it's basketball, but at Allen Fieldhouse it's just the 2 rows immediately behind the bench for the families/VIPs with the visitors section up in one of the corners of the 300 level. So basically you kick 2/3 of the current visitors seats up to the very top of section 230 where it doesn't matter when they scream during free throws because nobody can hear them from up there - as opposed to being 15 feet from the basket in their current spot.

And similar for football. I felt ridiculous after buying road game tickets directly through the school when I could have gotten similar crappy seats one section over for like $10 off StubHub (I learned my lesson last season after the KU, Purdue, and Minnesota games).
Someone else brought up basketball so that's why I mentioned it.

The student section and band in one of the end zones isn't uncommon though. Off the top of my head, I think Oklahoma State, Wisky, and Ohio State do it. I don't know offhand where they normally place the opposing fans and their bands at.
For me it’s not that it’s in the end zone, it’s that the NEZ just seems like its own elevated island in the sky. If we redid the Horseshoe to bring the fans down to field level, that would be a perfectly fine place for the students. And besides, my main issue is that our visiting fans aren’t up in the balcony.
Go back and re-widen the bleacher seats. I’m not a sardine, I do not want to be packed shoulder-to-shoulder and slightly angled with my neighbors. It’s bad enough that the rows are so close I’m forced to jam my manhood up a fellow fan’s butt to let them through, don’t make me lay in their lap when they sit next to me!

Oh and get the students back behind the visiting bench. Please!
Go back and re-widen the bleacher seats. I’m not a sardine, I do not want to be packed shoulder-to-shoulder and slightly angled with my neighbors. It’s bad enough that the rows are so close I’m forced to jam my manhood up a fellow fan’s butt to let them through, don’t make me lay in their lap when they sit next to me!

Oh and get the students back behind the visiting bench. Please!
I agree about the seats. I attended the Kansas game and we had to almost sit sideways to ‘fit’ in. People with chair back seats caused the crunch. What about chair seats like soldier field has. It would finish the number but would make for a more comfortable experience. Maybe make them orange in some sections and blue in others.
Bring back the pisswall in the Horseshoe.

They updated the bathrooms in the Horseshoe and removed 75% of the places to piss in the men's room. The old design was way more efficient. Sure, it was not nice but I just want to pee and get back to my seats.
Your post made me think of what the stadium experience was like the first time I attended a game as a 9 year old back in '63. I remember in particular. 1) Walking through a ticket gate on the east side onto a cinder floor. Dust wafting through the air. 2) Concessions stands were 2x4 framed and screened enclosures with a single line walkthrough to pick up your hotdog and coke. 3) Walking through the portal and looking down onto the green (more or less) grass. 4) Two speakers on poles next to the wall around the stadium that seemed to be spaced about every 20 yards apart. Couldn't hear much. 5) My team in orange and blue uniforms. Straining to see my favorite players' numbers (50 for Butkus, 31 for Grabowski). Oh yeah. Almost forgot... 6) The dank and smelly bathroom with the previously mentioned wall. First time I ever experienced relieving myself as a communal experience.
From a personal standpoint, Parking. Need more open areas and easier access and exiting, its hard getting around especially when not all that familiar with what roads open or closed if traveling from out of town.
They would need more cell towers and better throughput for the WiFi. You can't just add more access points or towers because the backend is still congested. You are only adding more on ramps to an already backed up highway. The sheer volume of devices makes it nearly impossible to provide a decent experience.

Most free WiFi is a way to get your email or data from you. It's not there to be a great service provider. Now they have your device connected to an email account, and they see you attend maybe one game a year, and now their goal is to sell you on going to one more. That's how personalized advertising works.

Source: I've set this up for multiple businesses/facilities.
So why not add more cell towers or bring in temporary ones on game days? The signal is strong, but it can't get out of the area because of congestion.
#1 Bring the horseshoe closer to field. That large area of nothing between the endzone and the shoe is an eye sore. another option would be make a small little football field there that kids can play some pick up football games on during the game like most of us did as children behind the bleachers at high school thschool games. That would be something that would stand out that nobody else is really doing in the FBS.

#2 Reduce the upper deck on the East side. The upper deck rarely fills up and it sucks to look at all the time. Id rather see a full 50,000 seat stadium than a mostly empty upper deck.

#3 Put the students behind the opposing team, let them try to rattle the visitors. make the current student section a family section.cell

#4 Better cell service

#5 have the band learn more songs to keep the crowd amped, the same stuff over and over gets old.
I've never required wifi to drink beer or clap. Am I doing it wrong?
Lets be honest: there are many ways that folks manage their lives through their phones today, for better or worse. Being essentially cut off for multiple hours can be a big problem for some, not to mention the more immediate needs of paying for concessions and such via contactless methods (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.), contacting emergency services from the stands, etc.

It's a problem that deserves a better solution than is in place now.
Both end zones could use work. Horseshoe should be brought to field level to get rid of that weird looking dead space. Perhaps raising both ends at the top a bit would help reduce the wind tunnel effect that occurs on the windy days. Ideally we are in the beginning days of a resurgence that justifies bold investment in the facilities.
Fun mockup of what it would look like if we made East Main match West Main, with a before and after. I would like that symmetry to be restored:

Pano 1.png

Pano Reno 1.png
But I do need it to use Google Pay to get my beer. It's the easiest way to go purse free for those of us who don't like the look of those goofy plastic bags (or who just don't want to carry anything extra)
I find a drivers license and a credit card will cover all my needs just about anywhere. I’ve seen folks carry those two things on the back of a cell phone case.
It's a problem that deserves a better solution than is in place now.
But I do need it to use Google Pay to get my beer. It's the easiest way to go purse free for those of us who don't like the look of those goofy plastic bags (or who just don't want to carry anything extra)
I know, I know. It's a fair concern. Should've added "/s". Kind of.

I use Google Pay too and check my phone throughout the game. But I was surprised to see so many mention cell service. I go to about ~3 games a year and that's never really registered as a big issue for me.

For me, the fact that we have a plaque with Tim Beckman's face on it in the concourse is more troubling than the lack of cell service. Also /s .... kinda.
Admittedly, I haven't been back to Memorial Stadium in a minute so maybe I'm wrong, but considering all the vendors are cashless, aren't they on wifi and/or using cell service to read credit cards and/or mobile pay? Even if you're arguing the general public doesn't need cell/wifi service, which in 2024 I think is honestly insane, wouldn't a more robust system aid everyone in buying goods and services faster at the stadium from vendors? Every single moment longer it takes for the card readers to work is making the overall experience worse for any fan who wants to buy something.

And in general, as someone who goes to stadiums in cities multiple times a month and never has any problem with this, I'm shocked this is still an issue in Chambana.