Terrence Shannon Jr. Found Not Guilty

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Is he accepting Twitter mentions? I tried to tag him in a Twitter post and it wouldn’t let me.

I will NEVER support him with a click, a listen to his podcast, etc. He’s a total hypocrite trying to say he didn’t try to bury TSJ when this came out. Just man up and say you screwed up and you’re sorry. He still would have been wrong, but at least he would have admitted it.

Plus, we all know had TSJ been found guilty, Parrish would have been happy to write an ultra-smug “Told you so” article.
If I could backpedal on the court as quickly as he did on his original opinion, I'd have a shot at guarding Terrence Shannon

Gary Parrish​

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Gary Parrish


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Apparently, I must have hurt Gary's feelings on X because I've been blocked also. I re-listened to his commentary after TJ rejoined the team and it was absolutely as bad as I remembered it. He's such a judmental know-it-all, trying to re-write history. And besides the stuff he said on the podcast (which i stopped listening to after the Rutgers game commentary, but I still looked at his Top 25 plus one summaries. He absolutely shunned TSJ. Even if he scored 25 or 30 pts, he would never mention him by name. I checked after every Illini game and I don't believe he ever mentioned TSJ again. Not to mention, he always ranked us lower than the AP.
Sleepers wrapped up their thoughts on the TSJ situation. I think Greg speaks what most of us feel well.

I should stop cutting onions...
Sad Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
I don't think I've ever been a fan of Chris Vernon until now.
This was a terrible (not from Chris Vernon). He was strong and wrong about so many facts starting with the fact that the university did get sued and lost!

They also did conduct their own investigation and stood by him but once the law got involved the policy kicked in and it was in place because they don't want to usurp the law pervert the legal process.
He said something about it on the show below. Starts at about 8:50:

This was about 3 minutes of Gary BSing about his original statement and then about 15 minutes of him talking in circles. He forgets about saying how disgusted he was about the standing ovation TJ received upon his return to the court and about how the accuser could feel about all the support her "rapist" was getting from the university. Instead he made some s!@# up about it was all about Illinois's policy and how he thought it was bad.
Mark Sutter attorney seems like a cool guy. Was charitable with the prosecuters but knows he is a more experienced attorney. Just affirmed what we all have been saying, he should never have been charged.

Said all damages to TSJ are quantifiable, but said decision to pursue legal action against prosecutors will be decided later..
Mark Sutter attorney seems like a cool guy. Was charitable with the prosecuters but knows he is a more experienced attorney. Just affirmed what we all have been saying, he should never have been charged.

Said all damages to TSJ are quantifiable, but said decision to pursue legal action against prosecutors will be decided later..
Aka....after the draft.
I gotta tell you...I started out in 1993 as a 16 year old kid with my mom's old 1982 Chevy Citation (which ran like absolute HELL and was already starting to rust). I kept that puppy clean and washed it by hand, as I do all my cars. These prosecutors were grasping at the tiniest straws possible.

I'll keep my mouth shut about the racial connotations surrounding their arguments. But you can read between the lines on that, too.
I'm not a lawyer, but I have a science and business background. I can't give a statement or opinion in a professional meeting without facts or based from a peer reviewed journal.

The judged allowed the prosecutor to make stereotype comments about athletes and tie them to this case. These were baseless claims that had no direct link to TSJ or this case. If this is common in court trials, this is pretty frightening.
I'm not a lawyer, but I have a science and business background. I can't give a statement or opinion in a professional meeting without facts or based from a peer reviewed journal.

The judged allowed the prosecutor to make stereotype comments about athletes and tie them to this case. These were baseless claims that had no direct link to TSJ or this case. If this is common in court trials, this is pretty frightening.
I thought Mitch Gilfillan said that the judge’s instructions explicitly said the jury couldn’t consider the character assassination since there were no examples or evidence to back it up. But if that was the case, why would this have been allowed at all? Wouldn’t Sutter and his team have raised an objection with the judge sustaining it?
~11 min mark, he plays it off like he didn't say anything bad about TSJ, that he was criticizing the school, and that he had a personal experience with 'believe women' that pushed him to err towards TSJ.

Which he is incredibly full of it. He took the EXACT opposite tone here. He could man up but won't.

His two primary assertions regarding his stance were that the school didn't stand by him and profess his innocence, and they didn't have to play him. Regarding the former, we know UI did its own investigation and did say they believed Shannon. I'll give him a very minor pass on this because I don't know if that info got very far out of Champaign other than through messageboards.

The second issue, though, shows why he is no journalist. I would have taken very minor investigation to see and comprehend what the TRO demanded. That a suspension (which not playing him even if allowed back on the team could be deemed a suspension) would result in a financial penalty from loss of NIL and inability to showcase for the NBA draft. And, of course, his assertion that it was no different than not playing the 8th or 10th man on the roster, is to absurd to even suggest.

A good read on this issue is here: https://verdict.justia.com/2024/01/...to-law-school-before-they-opine-about-the-law
This was about 3 minutes of Gary BSing about his original statement and then about 15 minutes of him talking in circles. He forgets about saying how disgusted he was about the standing ovation TJ received upon his return to the court and about how the accuser could feel about all the support her "rapist" was getting from the university. Instead he made some s!@# up about it was all about Illinois's policy and how he thought it was bad.
Talk about some word salad backpedaling. I also think that his anecdote about what happened to his friend colors his opinions whether he wants to admit it or not.
In viewing the squirrelly looks and darting, nervous eyes when he hears the word "apology", Gary Parrish is clearly defensive about what he has written and said about TSJ. He knows he is wrong and he is lying about what he has said. He is much too small a person to admit that and to think hard about what work he needs to do to become a better person. So he'll remain an opinionator whose opinions are not worth hearing.

Parrish's assertions throughout recent podcasts he has appeared are mutually contradictory and he is clearly continuing to be dishonest. And defensive as hell.
I thought Mitch Gilfillan said that the judge’s instructions explicitly said the jury couldn’t consider the character assassination since there were no examples or evidence to back it up. But if that was the case, why would this have been allowed at all? Wouldn’t Sutter and his team have raised an objection with the judge sustaining it?
The judge did, just surprised this was allowed. Or that the prosecutor would allow herself to give such nonsense, really makes her look very unprofessional. If this trial is fact based, why speak on memes and stereotypes.
Haven't listened yet, and I'm guessing he didn't suddenly morph into a decent human being, but Mr. Evil (flunked out of evil med school) spends about 25 minutes on TSJ case this morning:

As I expected, it was very unsatisfactory. I'm still glad he spoke of it since he does have a lot of listeners. I find him an obnoxious, know-it-all but it's good that he FINALLY spoke of TSJ's case and said that it seemed clear that he was not guilty.
I thought Mitch Gilfillan said that the judge’s instructions explicitly said the jury couldn’t consider the character assassination since there were no examples or evidence to back it up. But if that was the case, why would this have been allowed at all? Wouldn’t Sutter and his team have raised an objection with the judge sustaining it?
Or maybe they thought the jury would see right through it and objecting just gives it more weight. Everything I've read about TSJ's conduct and testimony portrayed exactly the opposite of the dirt the prosecutor tried to raise. The judge handled it anyway.
Or maybe they thought the jury would see right through it and objecting just gives it more weight. Everything I've read about TSJ's conduct and testimony portrayed exactly the opposite of the dirt the prosecutor tried to raise. The judge handled it anyway.
I might be wrong, but I think it's considered uncouth to object during closing arguments, even though the DA did it to Sutter. It's not that it isn't allowed, but I think it looks bad so they try to avoid doing it unless really necessary.

Taken from an ask lawyers thread-

"The common wisdom though is that objecting during closing should only be reserved for the more egregious instances, as it may be off putting to the jurors. I think most jurors view closing as the opportunity for the lawyers to argue/frame it, and expect it to be very biased. So objecting can be viewed as not letting the other side have their time."
Haven't listened yet, and I'm guessing he didn't suddenly morph into a decent human being, but Mr. Evil (flunked out of evil med school) spends about 25 minutes on TSJ case this morning:

As expected, there was no sincere apology to the Illinois program. All he did was continue to dig his own grave further about the assertion that Illinois athletic program including the AD and coach handled it incorrectly and that they could've still prevented Terrence from playing despite the TRO injunction. Parrish has no idea what he's talking about and will continue to die on the sword he fell on in the first place. He seems to think that Underwood and Whitman could have gone against the TRO and could've sat TSJ as if there would have been no legal ramifications for doing that. Had they done that, the entire athletic program would've been complicit in taking away NIL earnings and further limiting Terrence's draft stock. Terrence's attorneys would've then probably filed suit against the university. I think NBA execs and scouts probably have a higher opinion of Terrence after the mental toughness he showed the rest of the way than they probably ever had beforehand. Had he been forced to not play, the damage would have been even worse. Parrish doesn't deserve the platform he has. He used his platform for bad intentions in the winter and he can't own up to his own faults now

For being somewhat new to the social media game, I feel like Sleepers Media(Greg Waddell and Carter Elliott) did the best job in covering the situation as fairly and objectively as they could without crucifying the program or the player

As Stephen Bardo mentioned on his podcast, many people close to the program and within the program understood that there was no DNA evidence linking TSJ to the alleged victim and that the security cameras did not show the two to have ever even communicated with one another.
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Sleeper's guy said it well. Amazing story. One thing I wonder is whether NIL gave him the ability to defend himself where years ago, maybe a college player struggles to do that.

How did TSJ manage to keep going and believe in himself with the mobs and media throwing him to the wolves. Guy needs to write his story --could add a movie deal as dramatic as this has been. Who will play Parrish? :sick:
Sleeper's guy said it well. Amazing story. One thing I wonder is whether NIL gave him the ability to defend himself where years ago, maybe a college player struggles to do that.

How did TSJ manage to keep going and believe in himself with the mobs and media throwing him to the wolves. Guy needs to write his story --could add a movie deal as dramatic as this has been. Who will play Parrish? :sick:
Howie Mandell
As expected, there was no sincere apology to the Illinois program. All he did was continue to dig his own grave further about the assertion that Illinois athletic program including the AD and coach handled it incorrectly and that they could've still prevented Terrence from playing despite the TRO injunction. Parrish has no idea what he's talking about and will continue to die on the sword he fell on in the first place. He seems to think that Underwood and Whitman could have gone against the TRO and could've sat TSJ as if there would have been no legal ramifications for doing that. Had they done that, the entire athletic program would've been complicit in taking away NIL earnings and further limiting Terrence's draft stock. Terrence's attorneys would've then probably filed suit against the university. I think NBA execs and scouts probably have a higher opinion of Terrence after the mental toughness he showed the rest of the way than they probably ever had beforehand. Had he been forced to not play, the damage would have been even worse. Parrish doesn't deserve the platform he has. He used his platform for bad intentions in the winter and he can't own up to his own faults now

For being somewhat new to the social media game, I feel like Sleepers Media(Greg Waddell and Carter Elliott) did the best job in covering the situation as fairly and objectively as they could without crucifying the program or the player

As Stephen Bardo mentioned on his podcast, many people close to the program and within the program understood that there was no DNA evidence linking TSJ to the alleged victim and that the security cameras did not show the two to have ever even communicated with one another.
Parrish's podcast was just what I expected...a bunch of excuses, half-truths, and him blathering on and on. The only good thing is more amplification of the news of Terrence's innocence.

The Sleepers guys are always entertaining and they're not A-holes like Gary Parrish. I love how much coverage they give the Illini and the Big 10 in general. Looking forward to the interview they're doing with 3 time Big 10 champion Coleman Hawkins...His second time being on their pod.
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