Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of April 5th, 2021)

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I've asked this before but no one answered. Maybe because no one knows the answer.

But here it goes again....what is happening with Kofi? Struggling with why he hasn't made a decision yet.
The decision isn't whether he's putting his name in the draft. That's a given. The huge question is whether he stays in. The deadline for that is in June, IIRC. Pretty sure Kofi is gonna wait til near the deadline.
I've asked this before but no one answered. Maybe because no one knows the answer.

But here it goes again....what is happening with Kofi? Struggling with why he hasn't made a decision yet.
I don't think you need to be an insider to figure out what Kofi's doing. He was just in or still is in Jamaica. He's spending time with family. Trying to assess his options. From there, no matter what, you should expect him to declare for the draft.

He'll get feedback and we'll go from there. I feel good that he'll come back, but who knows. I wouldn't be surprised either way
The decision isn't whether he's putting his name in the draft. That's a given. The huge question is whether he stays in. The deadline for that is in June, IIRC. Pretty sure Kofi is gonna wait til near the deadline.

Ayo announced his return on 7/31/2020 and Kofi on 8/1/20020.
Thought I read in The Athletic that 2021 is back to relative normal, WRT draft dates.
Not sure Joel. The only thing I know is the NBA combine is 6/21 thru 6/27 and that will tell a lot. Last year as you know there was no combine.
Sorry to hear that you apparently suffered this, too. I did as well, at nearly 50. The most awful thing I've experienced. It can't be rectified completely, as you note, but it can be mitigated to a great extent via squatting and deadlifting to the point that it doesn't even bother the afflicted anymore. Spinal trauma via auto injuries is an awful thing. I don't know the extent of Hutch's disc injuries via the auto accident but if he's in proper training hands it's possible, and probably likely, he can get past it and compete.

I developed radiating pain down to my left knee via a lumbar herniated disc. Couldn't sit down (unless my piriformis muscle in my glutes was on a lacrosse ball) for more than five minutes and couldn't sleep for more than 3-5 hours a night (waking up regularly) for nine months. Physical therapy made it worse. What fixed it finally was quitting PT and the ridiculous PT exercise regimen, and turning to heavy squatting and deadlifting, which I wish I'd known up front.

The only way to keep the tear from flaring up in the long term is to make the spinal erectors as strong as possible. Few if any doctors, and virtually no physical therapist understands or will acknowledge this. A few PTs understand and use barbell training in their rehab regimen. But most PT exercises for a herniated disc do little more than create friction in the facet joints of the spine without providing any meaningful development of support for the spine itself via the erectors. And how could they develop those muscles they're all bodyweight exercises or those done with light dumbbells, or tension bands, in isolation from the normal integrated motion of the body?

It was a lesson I learned only through daily, bloody-minded research and experimentation over a long period. I hope that whomever is training Hutch gets him really strong through his entire musculoskeletal chain, particularly the rear chain. That's the only thing that seems to provide a long term solution to disc injuries. If he has multiple herniations or more traumatic spinal damage, then that may be a different story.

The spine begins to deteriorate naturally in our 20s. By 30 an MRI of the spine looks scary for virtually all of us. By middle age many of us have chronic back pain even without direct injuries. As a wise man noted, the choice is to live with a hurt back or a strong back that hurts less, or practically not at all. I hope that Hutch can get to the latter.
Sorry to hear about what you went through. Truly awful and glad to hear you're on the mend, and found a workout regimen that helps.

I luckily don't have first hand experience with this, just years as an attorney working on the defense side of personal injury cases, where spinal injuries were by far the most common thing I saw outside of relatively minor sprain/strain type cases. I also have a friend who unfortunately had back injuries severe enough to require a fusion surgery in his late 30s. The lower back herniation type injuries made an impression, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

And you're right, the back does deteriorate on its own. A lot of people in their 40s and up will have herniated discs, and not know it, because they're completely asymptomatic, and remain so for years. It's fascinating and kinda scary stuff.


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Ayo announced his return on 7/31/2020 and Kofi on 8/1/20020.
Anyone have any insight as to whether Kofi would have come back if Ayo had not? Despite the unlikelihood (is that a word?) if his getting drafted last year I always assumed he would not have due to what seemed like a desire to go pro by hook or by crook last year.
Anyone have any insight as to whether Kofi would have come back if Ayo had not? Despite the unlikelihood (is that a word?) if his getting drafted last year I always assumed he would not have due to what seemed like a desire to go pro by hook or by crook last year.
I have no insight into the matter, but I can attest to unlikelihood being a word.
Anyone have any insight as to whether Kofi would have come back if Ayo had not? Despite the unlikelihood (is that a word?) if his getting drafted last year I always assumed he would not have due to what seemed like a desire to go pro by hook or by crook last year.
Hard to say. They announced their respective returns in quick succession, but also likely received feedback from NBA evaluators in a similar timeframe.
So many weird variables last summer. A lot of guys weren’t even sure where or with whom they could workout. If you are a fringe free agent, that’s a real problem.
On the recruitment of Plummer, and if recruiting is fluid, could we possibly say this is Liquid Plummer?

I'll let you folks kick me out🤔
Somebody tell Dan the Ban Man that TheBattleAward needs a one month respite for that post.
I've asked this before but no one answered. Maybe because no one knows the answer.

But here it goes again....what is happening with Kofi? Struggling with why he hasn't made a decision yet.
He has NBA tryouts and interviews through June I believe, hard to decide till you have the feedback. His timeline is not ours, gonna be a bit.
He has NBA tryouts and interviews through June I believe, hard to decide till you have the feedback. His timeline is not ours, gonna be a bit.
The NBA draft will be held in late July. They will soon announce the deadlines for returning to school. Once we get those dates we will have a cleared grasp on Kofi's deadline to return.
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