Game Thread: Illinois vs Penn State

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This is a random question, but maybe someone here will know the answer... what's the current scouting rotation for the assistant coaches? Who "had the scout" for Northwestern and who has it today?
Idk who has the scout for today's game but all I care about is whoever is in charge of subbing is the same as last game. Shorter bench and playing best players as much as possible is why we won. Watched duke and Carolina and they play their best guys a ton and don't worry about playing everyone.
Woo Hoo!! Everybody!! Time to go get us some Nittanies today!! Only the blue and whites, leave the rest alone!! I see a Kipper rising! Next year's team is slowly taking over!
Happy to see Kipper crack the starting lineup. Lets see how this goes.
is SFC as packed as it looks right now?
Morgan's been scouted. They're collapsing on him to prevent his spin move.
Here is a shock, 3 subs 4 minutes in........give the best lineup time to get loose and get going!
Groce pulled Lucas after the first media timeout again.

I just don't understand.
Pathetic .....this is how we come out against a bottom feeder after a big win.
bottom feeder
HINT: we are playing a peer in that regard today

The guys aren't playing too smart yet, but once they do I smell an Illinois run. PSU isn't doing great either.
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