Game Thread: Illinois vs Chattanooga

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Glass half full, as sloppy as our first half was we are in the game. We are luck y to be down only by four. Kofi is carrying the scoring load. 3 point shooting & free throw shooting is dismal, too many turnovers. Three Mocs are in serious foul trouble, we got to exploit that. Hope we snap out of this fog. Encouraging signs the last five minutes of the half.
I'm worried that Brad is going to ride the seniors until the end. Unless they come out blazing, I'd rather give our freshman tick. Two points between 3, 5 year players, is totally inexcusable in a tourney. This is when you step up, not fade back. Show your leadership seniors!
For Kofi's struggles at the line and making some easy layups this game, he has 13pts, 7 boards and has drawn 7fouls in 20 minutes of play. Goal is to pick up de Souza's 4th foul in the first 4 minutes of the 2nd half. Need to keep going at them every single possession.
I remember watching Candace Parker destroy my (then) girlfriend on the court back in High School when she played for Naperville Central. She was the most dominate high school basketball player (male or female) I've ever seen.
For me it was Isaiah Thomas. He killed us.
Wish any commentator would do the right thing and not criticize Kofi on missing bunnies, and instead talk about how difficult those shots are when a human hanging from your arm.
I’ll go to the scorers table and tell them to remove 2 of Belo’s 4 assists…
Then I’ll go to the video editor and tell him to scrub the tape of some of his other passes…
Thanks for the heads-up. 👌
An assist does not always qualify as a "good pass". I was very specific about my choice of words. I expect my ball handlers to get assists. If that's our gauge for why some of you continue to put Curbelo on a pedestal...
Competent basketball at the very end of the season should not be a mystery to a B1G championship team. Getting beat on the off. boards? Turnovers? Throwing it to the 13th row? The way to win is by bringing energy and competence for 40 min....and that requires the bench to stand up. The frosh have proven they can bring both but have not played while Trent and Plummer have added nothing and AC has been a wash but at least has his head in the game. Why DFW cannot sit and watch RJ play 6-7 min. is beyond me. Kofi knows he will be doubled quickly and must get the ball out to a shooter instantly....but not even looking to do that it seems. It all has to be done competently....and that was not how to do it.

Now, so much depends on what their bigs can do in the second half against Kofi. If he is an All-America talent, he must play competently. We have seen that...but not tonight. In his defense, he is getting beaten to a pulp every time he gets the ball and only half the fouls are getting called.

But officiating is not the problem. Smart play and knowing what to do and when is the key. Can the Fighting Illini get this win? Absolutely! Will one knows.
The Mocs have done a good job defending try he three and pressuring our PG. Just take care of the ball and rebound. Also stop Smith.

Let's win these first 5 minutes of the half and get Rollin.
I used Excel to create this scientific prediction of the second half. Don’t worry.

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