Game Thread: Illinois at Penn State

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Bielema is remarkably calm
pretty much due to him knowing his guys committed every infraction which goes to coaching and player focus. So sad to see this team run the ball down PSU throats and then blunder away in the red zone. One would think they would decide enough is enough and step it up on both sides to take down Ped State.
I hate Penn state football and everything it stands for
Me too. Was there for Illini vs. what turned out to be Joe Pa's last game. Halloween weekend. Snowed 4" the night before the game. Snowballs reigned down on us in the Illinois visitors section and onto the field at our players. Officials had the PA announce twice that Ped U would be penalized if any more objects were thrown on the field. Yet, as we lined up for the game tying field goal at the end of the game, snowballs pelleted the field, almost hit a referee, and were landing within 10 yds. of our kicker. We missed the kick. No penalty called.
Replay certainly did not prove catch it is. Doesn't get any closer.
8 minute drive for a field goal attempt...
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