Box Office Films

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In the past I have posted seasonal threads for movies, but I figured it would be easier just to have one thread for all movies presently in theaters. We are in the January-February lull for quality in the theaters, so it's slim pickings for the time being.

Last night I went to see The Lego Movie last night and loved it. Chris Pratt was the perfect voice for the lead.
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Oscar's tonight! Here are some of my selected predictions:

-Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave
-Best Actor: Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
-Best Actress: Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
-Best Supporting Actor: Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)
-Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)
-Best Animated Feature: Frozen
-Best Cinematography: Gravity
-Best Costume Design: American Hustle
-Best Director: 12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen)
-Best Original Song: "Let It Go" (Frozen)
-Best Visual Effects: Gravity
-Best Adapted Screenplay: 12 Years a Slave
-Best Original Screenplay: Her (Spike Jonze)
Oscar's tonight! Here are some of my selected predictions:

-Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave
-Best Actor: Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
-Best Actress: Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
-Best Supporting Actor: Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club)
-Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)
-Best Animated Feature: Frozen
-Best Cinematography: Gravity
-Best Costume Design: American Hustle
-Best Director: 12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen)
-Best Original Song: "Let It Go" (Frozen)
-Best Visual Effects: Gravity
-Best Adapted Screenplay: 12 Years a Slave
-Best Original Screenplay: Her (Spike Jonze)
I hope you placed some cash in Vegas on your picks....Without checking I think you missed on only two-supporting actress and costume design
I hope you placed some cash in Vegas on your picks....Without checking I think you missed on only two-supporting actress and costume design

Great picks - but missed Best Director too. Two years in a row Best Director and Best Picture went to two different movies.
Great picks - but missed Best Director too. Two years in a row Best Director and Best Picture went to two different movies.

That is correct. I just felt McQueen was more deserving than Cuaron. Went with my heart rather than my gut on that one.
What'd you guys think about MM acceptance speech?
What'd you guys think about MM acceptance speech?

Of course it's getting blown out of proportion by media outlets. He's a quirky guy who knows where he comes from. I'm glad his speech was genuine and heartfelt rather than overly scripted dribble.
Of course it's getting blown out of proportion by media outlets. He's a quirky guy who knows where he comes from. I'm glad his speech was genuine and heartfelt rather than overly scripted dribble.

It was heartfelt. He threw God in there and everyone shut up. You know the libs didn't like that one bit, it doesn't fit their agenda. He has really came on to me as a human being and as an actor in the past few years.
It was heartfelt. He threw God in there and everyone shut up. You know the libs didn't like that one bit, it doesn't fit their agenda. He has really came on to me as a human being and as an actor in the past few years.

McConaughey had the biggest year in film of any actor/actress in 2013. Mud, Dallas Buyers Club, and The Wolf of Wall Street. Nobody can top that trio. He, like anybody else for that matter, should be able to say whatever they please; within reason of course.

The next closest I would say is Amy Adams (Man of Steel, American Hustle, Her).
Captain America was incredible. I'm leaning towards declaring it as the best Marvel film yet.
Captain America was incredible. I'm leaning towards declaring it as the best Marvel film yet.

I really liked it as well, and I'm not particularly up to speed on the Marvel film universe the last few years.
I really liked it as well, and I'm not particularly up to speed on the Marvel film universe the last few years.

Hard to believe how far they've come since Howard the Duck! I've enjoyed all the Marvel movies I've seen (haven't seen Elektra or Man-Thing). Some are certainly better than others though. Is this Captain America a must see on the big screen? Or will it play well on my 73" big screen if I wait for the DVD? Certain movies I feel I just have to watch at a theater but I'm not sure about this one. I saw the Avengers, Thor, all the LOTR/Hobbit, and many others in theaters. I just watched Gravity at home last night and felt I got the 'full scope' of things.
I went with some friends who are big fans, so we were there on opening night which is always more exciting. That's definitely one reason I enjoyed it a bit more than a normal movie. That said, I don't think there was anything in it that really demanded a movie theater size screen, especially when you're pushing towards that with a 73" home screen anyhow! Different story for a 30" screen on a grad school budget, although going to a movie in the Bay isn't a much cheaper prospect.
I went with some friends who are big fans, so we were there on opening night which is always more exciting. That's definitely one reason I enjoyed it a bit more than a normal movie. That said, I don't think there was anything in it that really demanded a movie theater size screen, especially when you're pushing towards that with a 73" home screen anyhow! Different story for a 30" screen on a grad school budget, although going to a movie in the Bay isn't a much cheaper prospect.

Man, it's been ages since I saw a movie on opening night! If I go see a first run it's usually the matinee in the morning or early afternoon where even with a blockbuster it's relatively empty. Of course I realize this isn't possible for most people. I see lots of movies at the local budget theater where they usually show up about the same time as the DVD release, sometimes a bit earlier. I still enjoy the whole big screen/popcorn/XL soda (and accompanying flask) experience. Thanks for the input!
I've enjoyed all the Marvel movies I've seen (haven't seen Elektra or Man-Thing). Some are certainly better than others though.

I've never been a science fiction or comic book fan going back to Superman (with Christopher Reeves) or all the Batman films. I assume they make money and that's why the film industry keeps making them. For me, acting and plot trump special effects every time. FWIW I thought Captain Phillips was a terrific recent movie.
Hoping to catch "The Grand Budapest Hotel" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" next weekend.
Going to see the GBH tonight. I'm not an action movie guy, nor is my girlfriend, so this was our best option. Review tomorrow!
Going to see the GBH tonight. I'm not an action movie guy, nor is my girlfriend, so this was our best option. Review tomorrow!

I just saw it this afternoon. Entertaining, but far from his best film IMO (that would be Moonrise Kingdom, with Darjeeling Limited coming in close behind).
I just saw it this afternoon. Entertaining, but far from his best film IMO (that would be Moonrise Kingdom, with Darjeeling Limited coming in close behind).

I didn't see it. Went to pick up my girlfriend and spent an hour chasing her dog down the street. Missed the movie. Great Chinese dinner instead.
I will be seeing The Grand Budapest Hotel tomorrow night. Will report back then, but I can say now that I am VERY excited.
LOVED The Grand Budapest Hotel. Ralph Fiennes was incredibly fun and owned that lead role.
Finally caught Captain America: The Winter Soldier last night and enjoyed it. I felt it was better than the first. The overall casting of the Captain America series has been my favorite from The Avengers flicks (though Robert Downey Jr. is my favorite individual selection as Iron Man). Anthony Mackie was fun to watch and left me wanting more. Really looking forward to Falcon having an increased role in the next installment.

I couldn't believe I missed the Pulp Fiction reference. It was subtle, but was definitely there. Kicked myself in disappointment when I Google searched it.
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Major theatrical releases of note in the month of May:

-The Amazing Spiderman 2 (May 2)
-Neighbors (May 9)
-Chef (May 9)
-Godzilla (May 16)
-X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23)
-Maleficent (May 30)
-A Million Ways to Die in the West (May 30)
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