The Illinois Coaching Staff Search

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Welcome to the Illinois Football Coaching Staff Thread :illinois:
Regardless of whether this staff ends up being a good/bad thing, let's always remember the kids who have pride in our program. The ones who are passionate about making it competitive. Being a fan isn't always easy, but I stick with it for them.

Some notable Penn State postgame quotes that really resonated:
Isaiah Williams: We're just looking for a leader (Bret Bielema), to get behind him and get going. I'm going to come back a different player, we're going to win a lot of games next year, I'm going to make sure of it."

Jake Hansen: "I just loved every moment suiting up for the Orange and Blue."

Isaiah Williams: "Whatever coach wants, i'm ready to run it. I'm going to dive in to the playbook." "Whatever he wants, I'm with it."

Listening to all the bielema interviews today, it sure sounds like he has a set plan in place in terms of schemes so that makes me think he already has his coordinators and it’s just a matter of making it official.

also I think he’s used the term “retain” a couple times so I’m thinking he’s keeping at least one from this staff around.
I've seen some criticism of Bielema in other parts of the internet that he needs strong assistant coaches to be successful. I think that's great. If he recognizes his deficiencies as a coach and is willing to hire staff to cover them, more power to him. I would rather he be aware of and willing to address his weaknesses, than the alternative.

Step 1: Fill out the staff.
Step 2: Evaluate current players and try to retain the ones that are a good fit moving forward.
Step 3: Hit the transfer market hard to try and plug holes and build for the future.
Step 4: Do whatever you can to rebuild a recruiting presence in-state.
Step 5: Profit?
Lou should be one of the first to go. I don’t care if he is a good strength coach. Strength coaches set the culture and tone of a program. Illinois needs a new culture to be set by somebody different. And as usual our guys got run right by today.
It’s hilarious how self-important some of these high school coaches are.
Yeah, the comment from Mark Grounds about Lovie not contacting him was weird.

Lamenting the fact means that in his view a relationship would benefit IL kids, as well as benefit the state's flagship university, thereby further benefitting the kids, etc... so why not initiate it himself?

Or maybe it's all about his ego.

Anywho, I think it was smart for BB to reach out.
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