NCAA Grants All DI Transfers Immediate Eligibility

How does this help the ILLINI? Does this do anything for us next year?
It means Belo gets to go shopping in the transfer portal for the athletic finisher with the elevation for all his ooping needs. (Kids coming out of high school want the flashy signing. Transfers know the deal. Belo is going to pay off in the transfer market.)

And it also means we'll probably lose 3 guys a year, every year, and have to read posts on why Underwood is scaring away all our players, and (just to pick a guy) 'If Hamlin were here, we'd be 6-0.'

** This post written before actually reading the transfer news. Hopefully this is a beta test for opening the floodgates at the January meeting...
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I don’t think this is big news. It’s not the one time transfer rule that’s still pending. From the article I read it only affects kids sitting out this year that were previously denied immediate eligibility. There can’t be many of those because all the ones I can remember were granted.
It certainly signals that the new rule will be approved if there was any doubt and I don’t think there was.
Can a player transfer today and play tomorrow? Or is the portal not quite that wide?
Can a player transfer today and play tomorrow? Or is the portal not quite that wide?
The NCAA Council is expected to vote in January on a permanent one-time transfer waiver that would allow all student-athletes to transfer once without sitting out for a year before playing.
How does this help the ILLINI? Does this do anything for us next year?
I think it gives players alot of flexibility to transfer and play...this will change the transfer "recruiting" dynamics, ...that is if they make this a permanent ruling.