Recent content by Dkayak

  1. D

    NCAA mulling change to allow on-field corporate sponsorships

    I’m not sure. Eventually it’s only an illusion designed to resemble what we once knew as college football. When it becomes just a pro team playing in a (named) college stadium, the only difference between college and NFL is an age/eligibility restriction, right? At that point, will some fans...
  2. D

    NCAA mulling change to allow on-field corporate sponsorships

    There’s a difference between the “pursuit of wealth” and the “love of money”. Industrious work and entrepreneurship are, as you point out, virtuous aspects of a healthy society and economy. The problems occur with metastasis into an unbalanced love of money itself, putting riches above people...
  3. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    Seems like splitting hairs, given that neither outcome is predictable. I’ll be content with either provided we play competitively without blowouts or foolish penalties. This isn’t Lake Wobegon, where every team is above average. We’re headed in a good direction, with engaging, competitive games...
  4. D

    Illinois Football Uniforms
  5. D

    Illinois Football Uniforms

    You’re correct re: Land Grant Universities. Interesting list: including Purdue but not Indiana, Michigan State, but not Michigan, Iowa State but not Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Missouri, and OSU were also Land Grants...
  6. D

    Illinois Football Uniforms

    I went in the other room to check my diploma. I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, with the location in very fine print, as it should be. It’s the state’s flagship Land Grant University, similar to Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana. None of these states see any...
  7. D

    Illini Football 2024

    IOW it’s meaningless clickbait at this point.
  8. D

    Illini Football 2024

    Hiring is one of the most critical decisions a manager or leader makes. Take your time and get it right because a mediocre hire creates a performance ceiling.
  9. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    Before you write off the best coach we’ve had in generations, how will you land a better one? Not just different, but more effective.
  10. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    I’m just fine with a .500 average and maybe a bowl every other year. That’s not to say better isn’t preferred but after the last 40 years, .500 sounds like progress to me. I‘ll settle for competitively entertaining w/o blowouts.
  11. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    Then count us out for season tickets after this season and call me jaded. Maybe we’re alone? I doubt it though. My wife graduated college on a full ride athletic scholarship and is grateful for the opportunity, despite the extra work for practice, travel, and games. Without it, college wasn’t...
  12. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    The result of a very uneven competitive landscape, dominated by an annual talent auction fueled by big NIL$. Why bother to watch any longer? Hand me the remote.
  13. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    So the goal is $11m to pay 85 students who already get full scholarships, tutoring, and a pampered university experience. That’s an average salary of $129,000. So much for student athletes. Let’s be honest here, they’re professionals. Folks who feel this was a good move will have to pay the...
  14. D

    Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

    I’m not even close to giving up on him. If not BB, who else? Change takes time.
  15. D

    Illini Football 2024

    Bird in the hand. They’re free agents with no guarantee of being drafted, enjoying a five-year auction for their talent. The wise ones will hedge their NFL hopes by earning a degree along the way, but transfers don’t help that aspect. Some will end up undrafted and without a fallback career plan.